function [phi_kk] = spacf(r_k) % SPACF - Computes the S(ample) P(artial) A(utocorrelation) F(unction) using the recursive method of Levinson (1946) and Durbin (1960) % % See the book page 212 % % Inputs: % r_k : the sample autocorrelations for the given data set. It is assumed that r_k(1) != 1.0. % If this is true a warning is printed. % Outputs: % phi_kk : the sample partial autocorrelation function % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- r_k = r_k(:).'; if( r_k(1)==1.0 ) fprintf('WARNING r_k(1)==1.0 ... disgarding this term and continuing\n') r_k = r_k(2:end); end phi_kk = []; % fill the element phi_11 by hand: phi_kk(1) = r_k(1); phi_kj = [ r_k(1) ]; for ii=2:length(r_k), num = r_k(ii) - dot( phi_kj, fliplr( r_k(1:(ii-1)) ) ); den = 1 - dot( phi_kj, r_k(1:(ii-1)) ); phi_kk(ii) = num/den; phi_kjm1 = phi_kj - phi_kk(ii) * fliplr( phi_kj ); phi_kj = [ phi_kjm1, phi_kk(ii) ]; end