source('utils.R') PL = iris$Petal.Length w = diff( range( PL ) ) bw0 = w/5 # an initial bin size # Plot the number of modes as a function of h (the bandwidth) for the iris data # adjusts = seq( 0.1, 0.23, length.out=75 ) # good for plotting adjusts = seq( 0.1, 1.4, length.out=200 ) # large enough to find a k=1 mode n_of_modes = rep( NA, length(adjusts) ) for( ai in 1:length(adjusts) ){ a = adjusts[ai] nm = count_number_of_modes( PL, bw0*a ) n_of_modes[ai] = nm } #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter10/ex_5_hk_plot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plot( bw0*adjusts, n_of_modes, type='b', pch=16, xlab='bandwidth (h)', ylab='estimated number of modes (k)' ) grid() # Based on the above plot I'll take: # # h_4 = min( adjusts[ n_of_modes == 4 ] ) # how I calculated the numbers below # v=c() for( n in 1:7 ){ m = min( adjusts[ n_of_modes == n ] ) v = c( v, m ) } h_k = bw0 * v s2 = var( PL ) # the sample variance c_k = 1 / sqrt( 1 + h_k^2 / s2 ) # Now do the Silverman bootstraps: # max_n_modes = 5 P_k = rep( NA, max_n_modes ) # the proportion of times where the number of modes exceedes k nboot = 200 for( k in 1:max_n_modes ){ # how many modes nm_from_boot_samples = rep( NA, nboot ) for( bi in 1:nboot ){ X_star = sample( PL, replace=TRUE ) Z = rnorm( length(PL) ) Y_star = c_k[k] * ( X_star + h_k[k] * Z ) nm = count_number_of_modes( Y_star, h_k[k] ) nm_from_boot_samples[bi] = nm } P_k[k] = sum( nm_from_boot_samples >= k ) / nboot } # Make a table of number of modes, the critical widths used, and P_k: # #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter10/ex_5_pk_plot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plot( 1:max_n_modes, P_k, type='b', pch=19, cex=1.25, xlab='k', ylab='P_k', main='' ) grid()