source('utils.R') set.seed(12345) DF_orig = load_table_11_5_data() # The Additional Treatment Time data given in this exercise: # DF = data.frame( time=c( 6, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 32 ), age=c( 67, 65, 58, 56, 49, 61, 62, 50, 67, 50, 55, 58, 47, 52 ) ) DF$deceased = 1 DF$deceased[c(2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14)] = 0 # patient is still alive DF_new = DF # Apply a Monte-Carlo permutation test on this data to see if there is a difference between the medians: # X = median(DF_new$time) - median(DF_orig$time) # our original statistic n_orig = dim(DF_orig)[1] n_new = dim(DF_new)[1] data = c( DF_new$time, DF_orig$time ) B = 500 perm_stats = rep(NA, B) for( bi in 1:B ){ indx = length(data), n_new ) new_boot = data[indx] orig_boot = data[-indx] perm_stats[bi] = median(new_boot) - median(orig_boot) } hist( perm_stats, breaks=20, xlab="median(Time) (new treatment) - median(Time) (old treatment)", main="Possible Values for the Test Statistic under the Null Hypothesis" ) abline( v=X, col='red' ) # What is the probability of getting the value obtained (or a larger one): # alpha = sum( perm_stats >= X ) / length( perm_stats ) print( sprintf("alpha (prob. type I error): %10.6f", alpha) )