function [p_n,rho_n] = machine_repair_model(lambda,mu,M,s) % MACHINE_REPAIR_MODEL - Returns the rho_n, p_n, and p_0 for a machine repair model % % Input: % lambda: arrival rate % mu: departure rate % M: the number of machines % s: the number of servers % % Output: % p_0: is the steady-state probabity we are in the state X(t)=0 % p_n: is the steady-state probabity we are in the state X(t)=n % rho_n: the proportionality factor for p_n = rho_n p_0 % % References: % % Introduction to Probability Models: Chapter 10 % by Roe Goodman % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-09-10 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- rho = lambda/mu; % initialize space (rho_n(1) is \rho_0=1): rho_n = ones(1,M+1); % explicitly compute the first value of \rho_n: \rho_1 = (M/1!) rho n=1; num = M; den = 1; rho_n(n+1) = (num/den)*rho; % fill the elements for n=2:s (\rho_{2:s}): for n=2:s, num = num*(M-n+1); den = n*den; rho_n(n+1) = (num/den)*(rho^n); end % fill the elements for n=s+1:M for n=s+1:M, num = num*(M-n+1); den = factorial(s)*(s^(n-s)); rho_n(n+1) = (num/den)*(rho^n); end % compute the normilization probability: p_0 = 1/sum(rho_n); % compute the steady state probabilities: p_n = p_0*rho_n;