linear_regression_indicator_matrix = function(XTrain,yTrain){ # # R code to compute classification based on linear regression. # # See the section with the same name as this function in Chapter 4 from the book ESLII # Note one could prob use the R command "lm" to do this routine # # Inputs: # XTrain = training matrix (without the common column of ones needed to represent the constant offset) # yTrain = training labels matrix of true classifications with indices 1 - K (where K is the number of classes) # # Written by: # -- # John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 # # email: # # Please send comments and especially bug reports to the # above email address. # #----- K = max(yTrain) # the number of classes N = dim( XTrain )[1] # the number of samples # form the indicator responce matrix Y # Y = mat.or.vec( N, K ) for( ii in 1:N ){ jj = yTrain[ii] Y[ii,jj] = 1. } Y = as.matrix(Y) # for the feature vector matrix XTrain ( append a leading column of ones ) and compute Yhat: # ones = as.matrix( mat.or.vec( N, 1 ) + 1.0 ) Xm = as.matrix( cbind( ones, XTrain ) ) Bhat = solve( t(Xm) %*% Xm, t(Xm) %*% Y ) # this is used for predictions on out of sample data Yhat = Xm %*% Bhat # the discriminant predictions on the training data gHat = apply( Yhat, 1, 'which.max' ) # classify this data return( list(Bhat,Yhat,gHat) ) }