function [ma,pa] = select_mates(pop_costs, method, C_n_keep_p_1) % SELECT_MATES - Implements a couple of mate selection algorithms % % Inputs: % % Outputs: % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2006-08-28 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- N_keep = length(pop_costs); switch method case 1, % pairing from top to bottom ma = 1:2:N_keep; pa = 2:2:N_keep; case 2, % random pairing ma = ceil( N_keep*rand(1,N_keep) ); pa = ceil( N_keep*rand(1,N_keep) ); case 3, % weighted random pairing (rank weighting) probs = ( N_keep - (1:N_keep) + 1 ) ./ sum( 1:N_keep ); ma = zeros(1,N_keep); % I'm sure there are faster ways to do this but ... pa = zeros(1,N_keep); for ii=1:N_keep, ma(ii) = find( mnrnd( 1, probs ) ); pa(ii) = find( mnrnd( 1, probs ) ); end case 4, % weighted random pairing (cost weighting) ... I'm sure there are faster ways to do this but ... probs = abs( ( pop_costs - C_n_keep_p_1 ) / sum( pop_costs - C_n_keep_p_1 ) ); ma = zeros(1,N_keep); pa = zeros(1,N_keep); for ii=1:N_keep, ma(ii) = find( mnrnd( 1, probs ) ); pa(ii) = find( mnrnd( 1, probs ) ); end case 5, % tournament selection ... I'm sure there are faster ways to code this but ... ma = zeros(1,N_keep); pa = zeros(1,N_keep); for ii=1:N_keep, inds = ceil( N_keep*rand(1,2) ); % draw two individuals one will become the mother [mv,mindex] = min( pop_costs(inds) ); ma(ii) = mindex; % we always keep the fitest of the group inds = ceil( N_keep*rand(1,2) ); % draw two individuals one will become the father [mv,mindex] = min( pop_costs(inds) ); pa(ii) = mindex; % we always keep the fitest of the group end otherwise error('unknown value for method'); end % send out the same number of parents minLen = min( length(ma), length(pa) ); ma = ma(1:minLen); pa = pa(1:minLen); % make sure we don't have the same father and mother: inds = find( ma == pa ); nSame = length(inds); if( nSame > 0 ) ma(inds) = ceil( nSame*rand(1,nSame) ); % pick a mate at random end