function [ states, waves ] = riemann2x2( A, q_l, q_r ) % % Input: % A: 2 x 2 real matrix % q_l: 2 element matrix % q_r: 2 element matrix % % Output: % Returns the solution: % 3 states: % .left = 1 x 2 matrix % .middle = 1 x 2 matrix % .right = 1 x 2 matrix % 2 waves: % .left = scalar % .right = scalar % % For the P.D.E.: % % u_t + A u_x = 0 % % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax, Ph.D. 2003-02-11 % MIT Lincoln Laboratory % 244 Wood Street % Lexington, MA 02420-9176 USA % % email: % Voice: (781) 981-5370 Fax: (781) 981-0721 % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % Insure the input is a COLUMN vector: q_l = q_l(:); q_r = q_r(:); % Compute the eigen{vectors,values}: [ R, D ] = eig( A ); % Sort the eigenvalues in increasing order: eValues = diag( D ); [ s, i ] = sort( eValues ); % Rearraing the eigenvectors/eignvector matrix in the same order: eValues = eValues( i ); R = R( :, i ); alpha = R \ ( q_r-q_l ); q_m = q_l + alpha(1)*R( :, 1 ); % Pass out into structure: states.left = q_l(:).'; states.middle = q_m(:).'; states.right = q_r(:).'; waves.left = eValues(1); waves.right = eValues(2);