function [i1,i2]=gacheb(func,n) % Implements Gauss-Chebyshev integration. % % Example call: [i1,i2] = gacheb(func,n) % % Integrates user defined function func (times a square root function) from -1 to +1 using n divisions. % % i1 = \int f(x) / sqrt( 1 - x^2 ) dx % % i2 = \int sqrt( 1 - x^2 ) f(x) dx % % See EPage 74 in the book. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- ks = 1:n; % For i1: % x_k = cos( ( 2 * ks - 1 ) * pi / ( 2 * n ) ); f_x_k = feval(func,x_k); i1 = ( pi / n ) * sum( f_x_k ); % For i2: % x_k = cos( ks * pi / ( n + 1 ) ); f_x_k = feval(func,x_k); s2 = sin( ks * pi / ( n + 1 ) ).^2; i2 = ( pi / ( n + 1 ) ) * sum( s2 .* f_x_k );