function [ d ] = brokenStick( eigvals ) % % This function implements the broken stick method of for selecting the % number of statistically significant principle components. The method takes % any principal components that have variances larger than they would be by chance. % Taken from page 38 of % % Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB % by Martinez and Martinez. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-14 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % make sure we have a row vector (with postive values): eigvals = abs(eigvals(:).'); % Sort eigenvalues in decreasing order: [ eigvals ] = sort( eigvals ); eigvals = fliplr( eigvals ); % Calculate the proportional variance: propvar = eigvals / sum(eigvals); % calculate the the expected length of the k-th longest segment: p = length(eigvals); g = zeros(1,p); for k = 1:p, for i = k:p g(k) = g(k) + 1/i; end end g = g/p; if( 0 ) figure; plot( propvar, 'rx-' ); hold on; plot( g, 'go-' ); xlabel('Eigenvalue Index - k'); end % Find the cumulative variances that are larger than chance: inds = fliplr( find( propvar > g ) ); % Send out the first: d = inds(1);