% % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-14 % % email: wax@alum.mit.edu % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- addpath( '../../Code/eda_data' ); addpath( '../../Code/eda_toolbox' ); addpath( '../Chapter1/' ); close all; drawnow; clc; clear; run_mds=1; run_isomap=1; run_lle=1; run_hlle=1; run_som=1; run_gtm=1; randn('seed',0); rand('seed',0); [X] = load_skulls(0,0,0,0); data = X; % n=number of samples=40 % p=number of features=12 [n,p] = size(X); d = 2; % <- to compare each method we use the same target dimension for all of them K = 12; % <- the number of nearest neighbors % the initial dissimilarities ... dists = squareform(pdist(data,'euclidean')); % % 1) Run a non-metric multidimensional scaling algorithm % if( run_mds ) fprintf('running the NMMDS algorithm...\n'); if( 1 ) % <- using the matlab function mdscale [Y,stress] = mdscale(dists,d,'criterion','sstress','start','random'); else R = 1; % <- city block metric ... Y = nmmds(dists,d,R); % <- project into 10 dimensions and use the Minkowski metric (with R=1 = city block distance) end figure; plot(Y(:,1), Y(:,2), 'k.' ); axis tight; title( ['mds projection of the skulls data'] ); saveas( gcf, ['../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter3/prob_3_14_g_skulls_mds'], 'epsc' ); end % % 2) Now run the ISOMAP - we need the distances for input. % if( run_isomap ) fprintf('running the ISOMAP algorithm...\n'); options.dims = 1:10; % These are for ISOMAP. options.display = 0; [Yiso, Riso, Eiso] = isomap(dists, 'k', K, options); % To get the coordinates, look in the structure Yiso. Note that the % coordinates are also in the form dim x observ. If we want a 2-D % scatter plot, then we use the 2nd record. Typing in Yiso at the % command line shows what is in the structure. figure; plot(Yiso.coords{2}(1,:), Yiso.coords{2}(2,:), 'k.' ); axis tight; title( ['isomap projection of the skulls data'] ); saveas( gcf, ['../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter3/prob_3_14_g_skulls_isomap'], 'epsc' ); end % % 3) Now run the LLE % if( run_lle ) dp = 5; % <- max dimension of embedding ... Y=lle(X.',K,dp); figure; plot(Y(1,:),Y(2,:),'.k'); axis tight; title( ['lle projection of the skulls data'] ); saveas( gcf, ['../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter3/prob_3_14_g_skulls_lle'], 'epsc' ); end % % 4) Now run the Hessian LLE (HLLE) % if( run_hlle ) dp = 5; Y = hlle(X.',K,dp); figure; plot(Y(1,:),Y(2,:),'k.'); axis tight; title( ['hlle projection of the skulls data'] ); saveas( gcf, ['../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter3/prob_3_14_g_skulls_hlle'], 'epsc' ); end % % 5) Now run the SOM % if( run_som ) fprintf('running the SOM algorithm...\n'); % Normalize each variable to have unit variance and mean 0. D = som_normalize(X,'var'); sD = som_data_struct(D); % Make the SOM sM = som_make(sD); sM = som_autolabel(sM,sD,'vote'); figure; som_show(sM,'umat','all'); som_show_add('label',sM,'subplot',1); title( ['som projection of the skulls data'] ); saveas( gcf, ['../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter3/prob_3_14_g_skulls_som'], 'epsc' ); end % % 6) Now run the GTM % if( run_gtm ) fprintf('running the GTM algorithm...\n'); X = data; % <- unnormalized data ... noLatPts = 400; noBasisFn = 81; sigma = 1.5; [Y,MU,FI,W,beta] = gtm_stp2(X,noLatPts,noBasisFn,sigma); lambda = 0.001; cycles = 40; [trndW,trndBeta,llhLog] = gtm_trn(X,FI,W,lambda,cycles,beta,'quiet'); mus = gtm_pmn(X,Y,FI,trndW,trndBeta); %modes = gtm_pmd(X,Y,FI,trndW); figure; plot(mus(:,1),mus(:,2),'k.'); title( ['gtm projections of the skulls data'] ); saveas( gcf, ['../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter3/prob_3_14_g_skulls_gtm'], 'epsc' ); end