function [hartK] = hartigan_k_index(X,cindsK,cindsKP1) % HARTIGAN_K_INDEX - Implements the Hartigan cluster index for various clusterings % % Inputs: % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2008-11-05 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- [n,p] = size(X); %-- % Compute the within class scatter matrix S_W under the clustering with "K" clusters: %-- cinds = cindsK; uniq_labels = unique(cinds); K = length(uniq_labels) % <- the number of clusters S_W = zeros( p, p ); for jj=1:K, tlab = uniq_labels(jj); indj = find( cinds==tlab ); % <- the indices of the samples from class j xbarj = mean( X(indj,:) ); % <- the mean of the elements in class j nj = length( indj ); % <- the number of samples in class j for ii=1:nj S_W = S_W + ( X(indj(ii),:).' - xbarj(:) ) * ( ( X(indj(ii),:).' - xbarj(:) ).' ); end end S_W = (1/n)*S_W; clear ii jj tlab indj xbarj nj; % compute the trace of S_W: tsk = trace(S_W); %-- % Do the SAME THING but for the clustering with "K+1" clusters: %-- cinds = cindsKP1; uniq_labels = unique(cinds); KP1 = length(uniq_labels); % <- the number of clusters S_W = zeros( p, p ); for jj=1:KP1, tlab = uniq_labels(jj); indj = find( cinds==tlab ); % <- the indices of the samples from class j xbarj = mean( X(indj,:) ); % <- the mean of the elements in class j nj = length( indj ); % <- the number of samples in class j for ii=1:nj S_W = S_W + ( X(indj(ii),:).' - xbarj(:) ) * ( ( X(indj(ii),:).' - xbarj(:) ).' ); end end S_W = (1/n)*S_W; % compute the trace of S_W: tskp1 = trace(S_W); % compute the Hartigan index: hartK = ( ( tsk / tskp1 ) - 1 ) * ( n - K - 1 );