# # Written by: # -- # John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 # # email: wax@alum.mit.edu # # Please send comments and especially bug reports to the # above email address. # #----- save_plots = FALSE set.seed(0) source("./util_fns.R") # E 1 EPage 503 # library(MASS) bmwRet = read.csv('../../BookCode/Data/bmwRet.csv', header=TRUE) rets = bmwRet[,2] S = 1000 alpha = 0.01 # nonparametric: # t = quantile( rets, probs=alpha ) VaR_np = -S * t ES_np = -S * mean( rets[ rets < t ] ) as.vector( c( VaR_np, ES_np ) ) # normal assumption: # m = mean(rets) s = sd(rets) c( VaR_norm(alpha,m,s,S), ES_norm(alpha,m,s,S) ) # t-distribution assumption: # t_params = fitdistr( rets, densfun="t" ) t_params = as.vector( t_params$estimate ) c( VaR_t(alpha,t_params[1],t_params[2],t_params[3],S), ES_t(alpha,t_params[1],t_params[2],t_params[3],S) ) # E 2 # 252 * ( 0.05 / 0.005 )^(1/3.1) # E 3 # library(tseries) ticker = "IBM" data = get.hist.quote(instrument=ticker,quiet=TRUE) log_rets = diff(log(data$Close)) rets = log_rets[(length(log_rets)-999):length(log_rets)] # get a sample of 1000 returns rets = as.vector( rets ) S = 10000 alpha = 0.025 # a) t-distribution assumption: # library(MASS) t_params = fitdistr( rets, densfun="t" ) t_params = as.vector( t_params$estimate ) VaR_t_pt_a = VaR_t(alpha,t_params[1],t_params[2],t_params[3],S) # b) nonparametric: # t = quantile( rets, probs=alpha ) VaR_np = -S * t ES_np = -S * mean( rets[ rets < t ] ) VaR_np # c) t-plot (following the examples in the Rlab in Chapter 4): # if( save_plots ){ postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter19/chap_19_exer_3_pt_c_norm_qqplot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) } qqnorm(rets) qqline(rets) grid() if( save_plots ){ dev.off() } n = length(rets) q.grid = (1:n)/(n+1) df = t_params[3] if( save_plots ){ postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter19/chap_19_exer_3_pt_c_t_qqplot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) } qqplot(rets, qt(q.grid,df=df), main=paste("QQ plot for", ticker, ": df=", df)) abline(lm( qt(c(0.25,0.75),df=df) ~ quantile(rets,c(0.25,0.75)) )) grid() if( save_plots ){ dev.off() } # d) estimate left-tail index a (using the Hill estimator): # sorted_rets = sort( rets ) Ys = abs(sorted_rets) a_hill = rep( 0, length(Ys) ) for( nc in 1:length(Ys) ){ c = Ys[nc] a_hill[nc] = nc / sum( log(Ys[1:nc]/c) ) } if( save_plots ){ postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter19/chap_19_exer_3_pt_d_hill_plot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) } plot( 1:length(Ys), a_hill, xlim=c(2,200), ylim=c(-0.1,4), xlab="nc", ylab="a", main="a^{Hill} estimate" ) grid() if( save_plots ){ dev.off() } a = mean( a_hill[50:125] ) VaR_t_pt_a * ( 0.025 / 0.0025 )^(1/a) ## Exercise 4: ## library(boot) msft.dat = read.csv("../../BookCode/Data/msft.csv",header=T) close = msft.dat$Close rets = diff(log(close)) boot_fn = function(orig_data,inds){ # Fit a t-distribution to this data and estimate VaR and ES: # data = unique( orig_data[inds] ) # duplicate values seem to give us trouble params = fitdistr( data, densfun="t", start=list(m=-0.001589855, s=0.024606088, df=3.998675607) ) params = as.vector( params$estimate ) mu = params[1] lambda = params[2] # estimate of lambda = sqrt( (nu-2)/nu ) standard_deviation nu = params[3] alpha = 0.005 VaR = VaR_t(alpha,mu,lambda,nu,1000) ES = ES_t(alpha,mu,lambda,nu,1000) c( mu, lambda, nu, VaR, ES ) } boot_results = boot(rets,boot_fn,R=1000) VaR_boots = boot_results$t[,4] if( save_plots ){ postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter19/chap_19_exer_4_VaR_density_plot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) } plot( density(VaR_boots), lwd=2, main="VaR (kde)" ) if( save_plots ){ dev.off() } shapiro.test(VaR_boots) ES_boots = boot_results$t[,5] if( save_plots ){ postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter19/chap_19_exer_4_ES_density_plot.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) } plot( density(ES_boots), lwd=2, main="ES (kde)" ) if( save_plots ){ dev.off() } shapiro.test(ES_boots) # Compute the two required confidence intervals: # boot.ci(boot_results, conf=0.95, type="norm", index=4) boot.ci(boot_results, conf=0.95, type="norm", index=5) ## Exercise 6 EPage 529 ## alpha = 0.1 dat = read.csv("../../BookCode/Data/Stock_Bond.csv",header=T) prices = as.matrix(dat[1:500,c(3,5,7,9,11)]) # a: n_prices = dim(prices)[1] rets = ( prices[2:n_prices,] - prices[1:(n_prices-1),] ) / prices[1:(n_prices-1),] stock_means = apply( rets, 2, mean ) stock_covs = cov( rets ) # b: P = 50e6 n_stocks = dim(rets)[2] (P/n_stocks)/prices[500,] # c: # # Compute the mean return and standard deviation of this portfolio portfolio_mean = sum( (1/5) * stock_means ) w = rep( 1/5, n_stocks ) portfolio_var = t(w) %*% stock_covs %*% w VaR_norm(0.1,portfolio_mean,sqrt(portfolio_var),S=100000) # d (for looking five days ahead) # portfolio_mean = 5 * sum( (1/5) * stock_means ) portfolio_var = 5 * sum( (1/5)^2 * diag(stock_covs) ) # assuming uncorrelated returns VaR_norm(0.1,portfolio_mean,sqrt(portfolio_var),S=100000)