function [ ] = prob_2_26 % % Note: I couldn't get this to work (because matlab would crash when % I had more than about 4 elements in xarray. So I created a for loop % for each. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-04-03 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- global xindx xarray; xarray = 0.1:0.1:0.9; close all; options = odeset('Events',@events,'RelTol',1d-5,'AbsTol',1d-10); y0 = [ 0; 0 ]; ter=[]; for xi=1:length(xarray) xindx=xi; [ts,ys,te,ye,ie] = ode45( @f0, [0, 2], y0, options ); ter = [ ter, te ]; end figure; plot( ts, ys(:,1), '-or' ); title( 'dydx=f0 solution' ); figure; plot( xarray, ter, '-or' ); hold on; plot( xarray, 2*sqrt(xarray), '-+g' ); grid on; title( 'event times and exact' ); figure; plot( xarray, ter-2*sqrt(xarray), '-ob' ); title( 'approx-exact' ); drawnow; y0 = [ 0; 1 ]; ter=[]; for xi=1:length(xarray) xindx=xi; [ts,ys,te,ye,ie] = ode45( @f1, [0, 2], y0, options ); ter = [ ter, te ]; end figure; plot( ts, ys(:,1), '-or' ); title( 'dydx=f1 solution' ); figure; plot( xarray, ter, '-or' ); hold on; plot( xarray, 2-2*sqrt(1-xarray), '-+g' ); grid on; title( 'event times and exact' ); figure; plot( xarray, ter-2*(1-sqrt(1-xarray)), '-ob' ); title( 'approx-exact' ); drawnow; y0 = [ 0; 1 ]; ter=[]; for xi=1:length(xarray) xindx=xi; [ts,ys,te,ye,ie] = ode45( @f2, [0, 2], y0, options ); ter = [ ter, te ]; end figure; plot( ts, ys(:,1), '-or' ); title( 'dydx=f2 solution' ); figure; plot( xarray, ter, '-or' ); hold on; plot( xarray, asin(xarray), '-+g' ); grid on; title( 'event times and exact' ); figure; plot( xarray, ter-(asin(xarray)), '-ob' ); title( 'approx-exact' ); drawnow; return; function [dydt] = f0(t,y) % % y is 2x1 % dydt = [ y(2); 0.5 ]; return; function [dydt] = f1(t,y) % % y is 2x1 % dydt = [ y(2); -0.5 ]; return; function [dydt] = f2(t,y) % % y is 2x1 % dydt = [ y(2); -y(1) ]; return; function [value,isterminal,direction] = events(t,y) global xindx xarray; % Old code (didn't work when xarray was an entire vector?): % $$$ value = [ xarray - y(1) ].'; % $$$ isterminal = zeros(length(xarray),1); % $$$ direction = zeros(length(xarray),1); % New code: value = [ xarray(xindx) - y(1) ].'; isterminal = 0; direction = 0; return;