function prob_3_27 % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-05-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % y(1) = y(x), y(2) = z(x), y(3) = y'(x), y(4) = z'(x) global d %options = []; options = bvpset('Vectorized','on'); hold on for i = 1:3 D = 4*i; d = 1/D; if i == 1 P = [-1; 0.5]; % Guess parameters P = [b; c]: solinit = bvpinit(linspace(d,D,5),[d; 0; 0; 0],P); else solinit = bvpinit(sol,[d,D]); end sol = bvp4c(@odes,@bcs,solinit,options); plot(sol.x,sol.y(1:2,:),sol.x(end),sol.y(1:2,end),'ro',... sol.x(1),sol.y(1:2,1),'ko'); legend('y(x)','z(x)',0); axis([0 12 0 1]); drawnow end hold off %=========================================================== function dydx = odes(x,y,P) dydx = [ y(3,:); y(4,:); 2*(y(3,:) - y(2,:)) ./ (3*y(1,:)); -y(1,:).*y(4,:) ]; function res = bcs(ya,yb,P) global d res = zeros(6,1); res(1:4) = ya - series(d,P); res(5:6) = [ yb(3); (yb(4) - (- yb(1)*yb(2))) ]; function y = series(x,P) b = P(1); c = P(2); yx = x + b*x^(5/3) - c*x^2 - (5/7)*b^2*x^(7/3) ... + (7/6)*b*c*x^(8/3); ypx = 1 + (5/3)*b*x^(2/3) - 2*c*x - (5/3)*b^2*x^(4/3)... + (28/9)*b*c*x^(5/3); zx = 1 + c*x - (1/6)*c*x^3 - (9/88)*b*c*x^(11/3); zpx = c - (1/2)*c*x^2 - (3/8)*b*c*x^(8/3); y = [ yx; zx; ypx; zpx];