function sol = prob_4_7(r) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-05-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- c = 1/sqrt(2); mu = r/10; options = ddeset( 'RelTol', 1e-5, 'AbsTol', 1e-8, 'Jumps', [ 1-c, 1, 2-c ] ); sol = dde23(@ddes,[1], @history , [0, 10], options, r, mu, c); figure; plot(sol.x,sol.y(1,:),'-o'); grid on; title( 'x v.s. y' ); figure; plot( sol.x, -sol.yp./(r*sol.y), '-o' ); grid on; axis tight; title( 'x v.s. yp/y ratio' ); tmp = deval( sol, 10 ); fprintf( 'y(10) = %f\n', tmp ); function v = history(t, r, mu, c) v = [ 10 ]; function dydt = ddes(t,y,Z,r,mu,c) if( 0 <= t & t <= 1-c ) dydt = [ -r*y*0.4*(1-t) ]; elseif( 1-c < t & t <= 1 ) dydt = [ -r*y*(0.4*(1-t) + 10 - exp(mu)*y) ]; elseif( 1 < t & t <= 2-c ) dydt = [ -r*y*(10-exp(mu)*y) ]; else dydt = [ -r*exp(mu)*y*(Z-y) ]; end