function [rbar,Rhat,qbar,Qhat] = sect_7_prob_3_noise_adaptive_filtering(z, phi, H, Q, R, x0, P0) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2006-08-28 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- N = length(z)-1; % we need *one* extra measurment in z to compute q_k since it needs \hat{x}_{k+1} % Perform Kalman filtering on this system using the given values of Q and R % [xhat_plus, P_plus, VV, loglik, innovations, xpred, P_minus, S, Sinv] = kalman_filter(z, phi, H, Q, R, x0, P0); % calculate the mean of the r_k also known as the innovations: % rbar = zeros(1,N); for ii=1:N start_index = 1; %max(round(0.9*ii),1); rbar(ii) = mean( innovations(start_index:ii) ); end % calculate the estimate of the measurement noise covariance R: % Rhat = zeros(1,N); ii = 1; pt1 = ( innovations(ii) - rbar(ii) )^2; pt2 = - H * P_minus(ii) * H'; Rhat(1) = pt1 + pt2; for ii=2:N start_index = 1; %max(round(0.9*ii),1); pt1 = sum( ( innovations(start_index:ii) - rbar(ii) ).^2 )/(ii-1); pt2 = - sum( H * P_minus(start_index:ii) * H' )/ii; Rhat(ii) = pt1 + pt2; end % calculate the forcing residuals q_k: % q_k = zeros(1,N); for ii=1:N, q_k(ii) = xhat_plus(ii+1) - phi * xhat_plus(ii); end % calculate the mean of the forcing residuals: % qbar = zeros(1,N); for ii=1:N, start_index = 1; %max(round(0.9*ii),1); qbar(ii) = mean( q_k(start_index:ii) ); end % calculate the estimate of the process noise covariance Q: % Qhat = zeros(1,N); ii = 1; pt1 = ( q_k(ii) - qbar(ii) )^2; pt2 = - phi * P_plus(ii) * phi'; Qhat(1) = pt1 + pt2; for ii=2:N start_index = 1; %max(round(0.9*ii),1); pt1 = sum( ( q_k(start_index:ii) - qbar(ii) ).^2 )/(ii-1); pt2 = - sum( phi * P_plus(start_index:ii) * phi' )/ii; Qhat(ii) = pt1 + pt2; end