function [zHats,S_1,S_2,S_3,et,MSE] = triple_exp_smoothing(Z,w,S_0_1,S_0_2,S_0_3) % TRIPLE_EXP_SMOOTHING - Performs triple exponential smoothing % % Inputs: % Z : the original data sequence % w : the relaxation factor (omega) % S_0_1 : the initial value for S_n^{[1]} or first smooth (optional) % S_0_2 : the initial value for S_n^{[2]} or second smooth (optional) % S_0_3 : the initial value for S_n^{[3]} or the third smooth (optional) % % Outputs: % zHats : the double exponentially smoothed output % S_1 : the values of S_n^{[1]} or first smooth % S_2 : the values of S_n^{[2]} or second smooth % S_3 : the values of S_n^{[3]} or the third smooth % et : the one step-ahead residuals % MSE : the mean square error % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- alpha = 1 - w; n = length(Z); if( nargin < 5 ) % 1) compute the initial values of hat_beta_0, hat_beta_1, and hat_beta_2 ... % we will use all of the data to determine these parameters (Equation 3.44 in the book): % X = [ ones(1,n); 1:n; (1:n).^2 ].'; beta_hat = (X' * X) \ ( X' * Z ); beta_hat_0 = beta_hat(1); beta_hat_1 = beta_hat(2); beta_hat_2 = beta_hat(3); % 2) convert these initial values of hat_beta_0, hat_beta_1, and hat_beta_2 ... % into initial values of our smooths these are S_0^{[1]}, S_0^{[2]}, and S_0^{[3]} % S_0_1 = beta_hat_0 - ( w / alpha ) * beta_hat_1 + ( w * ( 2 - alpha ) / ( 2 * alpha^2 ) ) * beta_hat_2; S_0_2 = beta_hat_0 - ( 2 * w / alpha ) * beta_hat_1 + ( 2 * w * ( 3 - 2 * alpha ) / ( 2 * alpha^2 ) ) * beta_hat_2; S_0_3 = beta_hat_0 - ( 3 * w / alpha ) * beta_hat_1 + ( 3 * w * ( 4 - 3 * alpha ) / ( 2 * alpha^2 ) ) * beta_hat_2; end % 3) iterate these expressions forward through all data (Equation 3.47 / 3.48 with l=1): % et = zeros(n,1); S_1 = zeros(n,1); S_2 = zeros(n,1); S_3 = zeros(n,1); zHats = zeros(n,1); z_hat = ( 3 + ( alpha * ( 6 - 5 * alpha ) / ( 2 * w^2 ) ) + ( alpha^2 / (2 * w^2 ) ) ) * S_0_1 ... - ( 3 + ( alpha * ( 5 - 4 * alpha ) / ( 2 * w^2 ) ) + ( alpha^2 / ( w^2 ) ) ) * S_0_2 ... + ( 1 + ( alpha * ( 4 - 3 * alpha ) / ( 2 * w^2 ) ) + ( alpha^2 / (2 * w^2 ) ) ) * S_0_3; zHats(1) = z_hat; et(1) = Z(1) - z_hat; S_1(1) = ( 1 - w ) * Z(1) + w * S_0_1; % do the first update by hand ... S_2(1) = ( 1 - w ) * S_1(1) + w * S_0_2; S_3(1) = ( 1 - w ) * S_2(1) + w * S_0_3; for ii=2:length(Z), % do the rest ... z_hat = ( 3 + ( alpha * ( 6 - 5 * alpha ) / ( 2 * w^2 ) ) + ( alpha^2 / (2 * w^2 ) ) ) * S_1(ii-1) ... - ( 3 + ( alpha * ( 5 - 4 * alpha ) / ( 2 * w^2 ) ) + ( alpha^2 / ( w^2 ) ) ) * S_2(ii-1) ... + ( 1 + ( alpha * ( 4 - 3 * alpha ) / ( 2 * w^2 ) ) + ( alpha^2 / (2 * w^2 ) ) ) * S_3(ii-1); zHats(ii) = z_hat; et(ii) = Z(ii) - z_hat; S_1(ii) = ( 1 - w ) * Z(ii) + w * S_1(ii-1); S_2(ii) = ( 1 - w ) * S_1(ii) + w * S_2(ii-1); S_3(ii) = ( 1 - w ) * S_2(ii) + w * S_3(ii-1); end MSE = mean( et.^2 );