function [L] = gen_seasonal_indicator_L(k,s) % GEN_SEASONAL_INDICATOR_L - Gen(erate) Seasonal Indicator L matrix % % Input: % k : order of the local polynomial model (k=1 is a local linear polynomial; k=2 is a local quadratic polynomial) % s : total number of seasons or seasonal indicators. % % Our assumed model is a locally constant polynomial model with seasonal indicators given by % % z_{n+j} = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^k beta_i \frac{j^i}{i!} + \sum_{i=1}^{s-1} \delta_i \mathrm{IND}_{ji} + \varepsilon_{n+j} % % See page 148 of the book by Abraham % % The call: % % L = gen_seasonal_indicator_L(4,2) % % will generate the matrix at the top of page 149. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-06-01 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- L_11 = zeros( k+1 ); for jj=1:(k+1), for ii=jj:(k+1), L_11(ii,jj) = 1/factorial( ii-jj ); end end L_21 = zeros( s-1, k+1 ); L_21(1,1) = 1; L_22 = zeros( s - 1 ); for jj=1:(s-1), L_22(1,jj) = -1; end for ii=2:(s-1), L_22(ii,ii-1) = 1; end L = [ L_11, zeros( k+1, s-1 ) ; L_21, L_22 ];