function r_k = plot_SACF(et,use_constant_se) % PLOT_SACF - Plots the sample autocorrelation function with 2*sigma error bars % % Input: % et : one-step-ahead error residuals = z_t - \hat{z}_{t-1}(1) % use_constant_se : whether to use a constant standard error for these coefficients O(1/sqrt(n)) % % Output: % r_k : the sample autocorrelation functions % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- if( nargin<2 ) use_constant_se = 0; end if( exist('/home/weatherw/') ) addpath('/home/weatherw'); end n = length(et); n_r_k = round(0.2*length(et)); r_k = aasamplebiasedautoc(et,n_r_k); r_k(1) = 1.0; % <- override the sample based value with the exact value. sf=figure; sh_ind=stem( 1:(n_r_k-1), r_k(2:end), 'bx', 'linewidth', 2 ); hold on; % <- we don't explicity plot the (0,r_0=1) pair xlabel( 'lag (k)' ); ylabel( 'sample based autocorrelation r_k' ); axis tight; % plot the value of the standard errors of the sample autocorrelations: if( use_constant_se ) v_r_k = (1/n) * ones(1,length(r_k)); else v_r_k = cumsum( [ 1., 2*r_k(2:end).^2 ] )/n; end se_r_k = sqrt(v_r_k); figure(sf); hold on; plot( 1:(n_r_k-1), -1.97 * se_r_k(2:end), 'r-' ); figure(sf); hold on; plot( 1:(n_r_k-1), +1.97 * se_r_k(2:end), 'r-' ); %axis tight; axis( [ 0, n_r_k-0.5, -Inf, +Inf ] ); return;