source('iterate_logistic.R') # Part (a): Generate solutions with the requested values for rho: # N = 400 u0 = 0.2 rhos = c( 2.9, 2.95, 2.99 ) for( ri in 1:length(rhos) ){ rho = rhos[ri] u = iterate_logistic(rho, u0, N) if( ri==1 ){ sols = u }else{ sols = rbind( sols, u ) } } rownames(sols) = c('sol1', 'sol2', 'sol3') #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter2/chap_2_sect_9_prob_17_plot_part_a.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) matplot(0:(N-1), t(sols), type='l', xlab='iterate', ylab='u_n') grid() # Compute the limiting value for each value of rho: # lvs = ( rhos - 1 ) / rhos print(lvs) # Find the iterate at which each solution is first 1e-3 close to the limiting value: # first_iterate = c() for( ri in 1:length(rhos) ){ lv = lvs[ri] close = abs( sols[ri,] - lv ) < 1.e-3 n = which(close)[1] - 1 first_iterate = c( first_iterate, n ) } print('first iterate that is close to the limiting value') print(first_iterate) # Part (b): # N = 100 u0 = 0.2 rhos = c( 3.01, 3.05, 3.1 ) for( ri in 1:length(rhos) ){ rho = rhos[ri] u = iterate_logistic(rho, u0, N) if( ri==1 ){ sols = u }else{ sols = rbind( sols, u ) } } rownames(sols) = c('sol1', 'sol2', 'sol3') #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter2/chap_2_sect_9_prob_17_plot_part_b.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) matplot(0:(N-1), t(sols), type='l', xlab='iterate', ylab='u_n') grid() # Compute the limiting value for each value of rho: # # Could solve the system: # # u_2 = rho u_1 (1-u_1) # u_1 = rho u_2 (1-u_2) # # but that's what the above fixed points are finding thus we can just grab the numbers above. # fixed_points = rbind( sols[ , dim(sols)[2] ], sols[ , dim(sols)[2]-1 ] ) print('limit cycle fixed points for each solution:') print(fixed_points) # Find the iterate at which each solution is first 1e-3 close to these limiting value: # first_iterate = c() for( ri in 1:length(rhos) ){ u1 = fixed_points[1, ri] u2 = fixed_points[2, ri] for( ti in 1:(N-1) ){ if( ( abs( sols[ri,ti]-u1 ) < 1.e-3 ) & ( abs( sols[ri,ti+1]-u2 ) < 1.e-3 ) ){ first_iterate = c( first_iterate, ti ) break } } } print('first iterate that is close to the limiting value') print(first_iterate)