newton_form_nested_multiplication = function(as, cs, z){ # # This is Algorithm 2.1. # # EPage 49 # # Inputs: # # as = [a0, a1, ..., an] # cs = [c1, c2, ..., cn] # # Outputs: # # asprime =[a0', a1', ..., an'] # csprime =[c1', ..., cn'] = [x, c1, c2, ..., c_{n-1}] # n = length(as)-1 stopifnot(n == length(cs)) as_prime = rep(NA, n+1) as_prime[n+1] = as[n+1] for( ii in seq(n, 1, -1) ){ as_prime[ii] = as[ii] + (z - cs[ii]) * as_prime[ii+1] } cs_prime = c(z, cs[-length(cs)]) # the new centers return(list(as_prime=as_prime, cs_prime=cs_prime) ) } coefficients_of_newton_form = function(xs, ds){ ## ## Implements Algorithm 2.3. ## ## Inputs: ## ## xs = [x_0, x_1, ..., x_n] ## ds = [f(x_0), f(x_1), ..., f(x_n)] ## ## Outputs the newton_form of the interpolating coefficients: ## ## ds = [f[x_0,x_1,...,x_n], f[x_1,x_2,...,x_n], ..., f[x_{n- 1},x_n], f[x_n]] ## ## The interpreting polynomial is then given by: ## ## f[x_0,x_1,...,x_n] (x-x_1) (x-x_2) ... (x-x_n) + f[x_1,...,x n] (x-x_2)...(x-x_n) + ... + f[x_{n-1},x_n] (x-x_n) + f[x_n] ## n = length(xs)-1 for( k in seq(1, n) ){ for( i in seq(0, n-k) ){ ds[i+1] = (ds[(i+1)+1] - ds[i+1])/(xs[(i+k)+1] - xs[i+1]) } } return(ds) } newton_form_interpolating_polynomial = function(x, y, z_test){ ## ## This is a shortcut code that: ## 1) Builds the Newton interpolating polynomial ## 2) Evaluates it at the points z_test ## ## ## Get the newton_form coefficients: ## as = coefficients_of_newton_form(x, y) x = rev(x) ## convert into the orderning needed by newton_form_nested_multiplication as = rev(as) ## Evaluate our interpolating polynomial at some points: ## f_hat = c() for( z in z_test ){ res = newton_form_nested_multiplication(as, x[-length(x)], z) f_hat = c( f_hat, res$as_prime[1] ) } return(f_hat) } table = function(xbar, xs, ys, tol=1.e-3, max_steps=20, verbose=FALSE){ ## ## Implements interpolation in a function table. This is the 'table' subprogram in this chapter. ## ## xbar = single x value we want to evaluate the interpolating polynomial at ## xs = [x_0, x_1, ..., x_n] ## ys = [f(x_0), f(x_1), ..., f(x_n)] ## ntable = length(xs) ## the number of points in the function table stopifnot(all(diff(xs)>0)) ## xs is assumed to be increasing stopifnot(length(xs) ==length(ys)) ## length(xs)==length(ys) stopifnot(xbar > xs[1]) ## we must have the point xbar internal to the array: xs[1] < xbar stopifnot(xbar < xs[ntable]) ## xbar < xs[length(xs)] ## Locate xbar in the x-array such that xs[NEXT-1] < xbar <= xs[NEXT]: ## NEXT = 1 while( xs[NEXT] <= xbar ){ NEXT = NEXT + 1 } stopifnot((xs[NEXT-1] < xbar) & (xbar <= xs[NEXT])) ## Use Algorithm 2.4 with the next x_k a1ways the table entry nearest xbar of those not yet used: ## XK = rep(NA, ntable) XK[1] = xs[NEXT] NEXTL = NEXT-1 NEXTR = NEXT+1 ## A[] holds the divided difference table: f[x_i, ..., x_{k+1}] ## A = rep(NA, ntable) A[1] = ys[NEXT] ## This will hold the desired interpolation value p_{k+1}(xbar) ## TABLE = A[1] PSIK = 1 kp1 = 1 error = NA if( verbose ){ print(sprintf('kp1= %4d; NEXT= %3d; XK[kp1]= %8.3f; TABLE= %8.3g; error= %8.3g', kp1, NEXT, XK[kp1], TABLE, error)) } kp1max = min(max_steps, ntable) for( kp1 in 2:kp1max ){ ## ## Find the next point to add ## if(NEXTL == 0){ NEXT = NEXTR NEXTR = NEXTR+1 } else if(NEXTR > ntable){ NEXT = NEXTL NEXTL = NEXTL-1 } else if((xbar - xs[NEXTL]) > (xs[NEXTR] - xbar)){ NEXT = NEXTR NEXTR = NEXTR+1 } else { NEXT = NEXTL NEXTL = NEXTL-1 } XK[kp1] = xs[NEXT] A[kp1] = ys[NEXT] for( jj in seq(kp1-1, 1, -1) ){ A[jj] = (A[jj+1] - A[jj])/(XK[kp1] - XK[jj]) } ## For I=1, ..., KP1 the array A[I] now containts the divided difference of F[X] of order K-1 at XK[I], ..., XK[KP1] ## PSIK = PSIK*(xbar - XK[kp1-1]) error = A[1] * PSIK if( verbose ){ print(sprintf('kp1= %4d; NEXT= %3d; XK[kp1]= %8.3f; TABLE= %8.3g; error= %8.3g', kp1, NEXT, XK[kp1], TABLE, error)) } TABLE = TABLE + error if( abs(error) <= tol ){return(TABLE)} } return(TABLE) } test_function_table = function(){ ## ## Test the function 'table' (the one above this one) on some data. ## y_fn = function(x){ log10(x) } ## these are the functions we will study ##y_fn = function(x){ exp(-x) } ##y_fn = function(x){ 1/(1+x) } ##y_fn = function(x){ 4*x*42 - x + 10 } ## our interpolation should be exact with at least three true (x_i, y_i) points ##xs = c(1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0) xs = c(1.0, 2.0, 4.0) ys = y_fn(xs) x_grid = seq(min(xs)*1.01, max(xs)*.99, length.out=100) y_true = y_fn(x_grid) y_hat = rep(NA, length(x_grid)) for( ii in 1:length(x_grid) ){ y_hat[ii] = table(x_grid[ii], xs, ys, verbose=FALSE) } plot(xs, ys, type='p', pch=19, col='black', xlab='x', ylab='y(x)') lines(x_grid, y_hat, col='red') lines(x_grid, y_true, col='green') legend('bottomright', c('y_polynomial','y_true'), col=c('red','green'), lty=1) grid() } make_divided_difference_table = function(xs, ys, n_differences=3){ ## ## xpdf ../../EBook/Elementary_Numerical_Analysis_An_Algorithmic_Approach_3rd_Edition.pdf 55 & ## ## In the returned table T we have ## ## T[i, k] = (f[x_] ## stopifnot(length(xs)==length(ys)) ## x and y must be the same length stopifnot(n_differences>=1) n = length(xs)-1 stopifnot(n_differences<=n) n_elements = 2*(n+1) + n_differences*(n+1) T = matrix(rep(NA, n_elements), nrow=(n+1), ncol=n_differences+2) T[, 1] = xs ## the first column is the x_i for i=0, 1, 2, ..., n T[, 2] = ys ## the second column is the y_i for i=0, 1, 2, ..., n for(jj in 3:(n_differences+2)){ k = jj-2 ## this is the order of the difference in the jjth column (k=1 => first order difference; k=2 => second order difference etc.) for(ii in 1:(n+1-k)){ ##print(sprintf('book_k= %d; book_i= %d; denom=(x_%d - x_%d)', k, ii-1, ii+k-1, ii-1)) T[ii, jj] = (T[ii+1, jj-1] - T[ii, jj-1])/(xs[ii+k] - xs[ii]) } } return(T) } test_make_divided_difference_table = function(){ ## ## some checks that are code is correct ## ## An example from: ## xs = c(5, 6, 9, 11) ys = c(12, 13, 14, 16) T = make_divided_difference_table(xs, ys, n_differences=3) print(T) ## An example 7 from: xpdf /home/wax/EBooks/_Mathematics/_Numerical/Numerical_Mathematics_N_Computing_6th_Edition_Cheney_N_Kincaid.pdf 159 & ## xs = c(1, 3/2, 0, 2) ys = c(3, 13/4, 3, 5/3) T = make_divided_difference_table(xs, ys, n_differences=3) print(T) }