% % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-09-10 % % email: wax@alum.mit.edu % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- clc; lambda = 20; mu = 12; N = 3; p_n = mm1_queue_cap_N(lambda,mu,N); % part (a): fprintf('prop. time attendent is busy = %10.6f\n',sum(p_n(2:end))); % part (b): ts = 1 - p_n(end); fprintf('prop. of potential customers enter the station is = %10.6f\n',ts); fprintf('average number of customers that enter the station is = %10.6f\n',ts*lambda); % part (c): mu = 2*mu; p_n = mm1_queue_cap_N(lambda,mu,N); tt = 1 - p_n(end); fprintf('prop. of potential customers enter the NEW station is = %10.6f\n',tt); fprintf('average number of customers that enter the station is = %10.6f\n',tt*lambda); fprintf('gain in number of customers is %10.6f\n', -ts*lambda+ tt*lambda );