Code and Results for Chapter 6:

These are results and code for the problems and examples found in Chapter 6 of this famous book.

Various Figures and Problems:
  1. chap_6_prob_2.m (some simple calculations)
  2. chap_6_prob_3.m (some simple calculations)
  3. chap_6_prob_4.m (some simple calculations)
  4. chap_6_prob_9.m (bold play v.s. timid play)
  5. chap_6_prob_10.m (the genetic chain example)
  6. chap_6_prob_12.m (simulating the inventory example)
  7. chap_6_prob_14.nb (flipping a fair coin)
  8. chap_6_prob_17.m (standard form for bold play)
  9. chap_6_prob_18.nb (standard form for the gamblers ruin problem)
  10. chap_6_prob_19.m (winning with bold or timid play)
  11. chap_6_prob_20.m (maximal profit from our vending machine)
  12. chap_6_prob_20_fn.m (a helper function)
  13. chap_6_prob_21_N_22.m (the machine maintenance model)
  14. chap_6_prob_24.m (where to place our goal)
  15. chap_6_prob_26.m (simulating the genetic chain)

John Weatherwax
Last modified: Mon Sep 1 05:42:21 EDT 2008