findMostCorrelatedPredictor <- function( r, D ){ N = dim(D)[1] p = dim(D)[2] max_abs_corr = 0.0 best_j = 0 for( j in 1:p ){ c = abs( cor( r, D[,j] ) ) #print(sprintf("j= %10d; c= %10.6f",j,c)) if( c>max_abs_corr ){ max_abs_corr = c best_j = j } } return(best_j) } IFSR <- function( DTrain, DTest, max_number_of_iterations = 200 ){ # # Implements "Incremental Forward Stagewise Regression" using the algorithm discussed on # page 86 of the book: # # Elements of Statistical Learning by # Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman. # # Input: # DTrain = training data frame where the last column is the response variable # of dimension [ N, p+1 ] # DTest = testing data frame on which we will return all possible prediction # for the models derived from the training data above # max_number_of_iterations = # # Output: # res[[1]] = beta_hat estimates coefficients for a linear model of dimension # [ p, number_of_timesteps ] # The first column corresponds to itration #0 (and all betas values are zero) # The second column corresponds to iteration #1 (the first update of betas) # ... # The last column corresponds to the final iteration # and corresponds to the case when the residuals are uncorrelated with all # the predictors. # res[[2]] = y_hat column representing the predictions made by all models on the TESTING data # # Auxilary: # # epsilon = the increment of the update of the beta values: # beta_{t+1} = beta_t + epsilon * sign( ) # # Written by: # -- # John L. Weatherwax 2010-03-11 # # email: # # Please send comments and especially bug reports to the # above email address. # #----- demeanResponse = TRUE # estimate the least squares solution (and the number of iterations needed to get there): # library(MASS) XM = as.matrix( DTrain ) betaLS = ginv( t(XM) %*% XM ) %*% t(XM) %*% r lOneNorm = sum( abs(betaLS) ) epsilon = lOneNorm/( 1.5 * max_number_of_iterations ) correlation_min_threshold = epsilon nTrain = dim( DTrain )[1] p = dim( DTrain )[2] - 1 # the last column is the response responseName = names( DTrain )[p+1] # the the name of the response nTest = dim( DTest )[1] # Get the response and delete it from the data frame response = DTrain[,p+1] DTrain[[responseName]] = NULL # We begin by standardizing the predictors and demeaning the response # # Note that one can get the centering value (the mean) with the command attr(DTrain,'scaled:center') # and the scaling value (the sample standard deviation) with the command attr(DTrain,'scaled:scale') # DTrain = scale( DTrain ) r = response if( demeanResponse ){ responseMean = mean( response ) r = r - responseMean # this is the initial residual } # extract the centering and scaling information: # means = attr(DTrain,"scaled:center") stds = attr(DTrain,"scaled:scale") # apply the computed scaling based on the training data to the testing data: # responseTest = DTest[,p+1] if( demeanResponse ){ responseTest = responseTest - responseMean } DTest[[responseName]] = NULL DTest = t( apply( DTest, 1, '-', means ) ) DTest = t( apply( DTest, 1, '/', stds ) ) betaHat = as.matrix( mat.or.vec(p,1), p, 1 ) # initialize beta to zeros iteration_number = 1 max_residual_correlation = 1.e6 while( max_residual_correlation > correlation_min_threshold && iteration_number < max_number_of_iterations ){ #if( iteration_number %% 10 ==0 ) print(sprintf("iter_number= %10d; max_corr= %10.6f",iteration_number,max_residual_correlation)) # Find the predictor that is the most correlated with the response: # j_index = findMostCorrelatedPredictor( r, DTrain ) x_j = DTrain[,j_index] max_residual_correlation = abs( cor( x_j, r ) ) # compute delta_j: # delta_j = epsilon * sign( x_j %*% r ) # update beta_j (the jth component of beta) # newBeta = betaHat[,iteration_number] newBeta[j_index] = newBeta[j_index] + delta_j betaHat = cbind(betaHat, newBeta) # update residual: # r = r - delta_j * x_j iteration_number = iteration_number + 1 } # compute the predictions of each model on the test set: pTest = as.matrix( DTest[,1:p] ) %*% betaHat # create a matrix of these results of size [ nTest, N_iterations ] if( demeanResponse ){ pTest = pTest + responseMean # add back in the mean if we want the response in physical units (not mean adjusted) } res = list(betaHat,pTest) return(res) }