reduced_rank_LDA = function( XTrain, yTrain, XTest, yTest ){ # # R code to implement classification using Regularized Discriminant Analysis # # See the section with the same name as this function in Chapter 4 from the book ESLII # # Inputs: # XTrain = training data frame # yTrain = training labels of true classifications with indices 1 - K (where K is the number of classes) # xTest = testing data frame # yTest = testing response # # Written by: # -- # John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 # # email: # # Please send comments and especially bug reports to the # above email address. # #----- K = length(unique(yTrain)) # the number of classes (expect the classes to be labeled 1, 2, 3, ..., K-1, K N = dim( XTrain )[1] # the number of samples p = dim( XTrain )[2] # the number of features # Compute the class dependent probabilities and class dependent centroids: # PiK = matrix( data=0, nrow=K, ncol=1 ) M = matrix( data=0, nrow=K, ncol=p ) ScatterMatrices = list() for( ci in 1:K ){ inds = yTrain == ci Nci = sum(inds) PiK[ci] = Nci/N M[ci,] = t( as.matrix( mean( XTrain[ inds, ] ) ) ) } # Compute W: # W = cov( XTrain ) # Compute M^* = M W^{-1/2} using the eigen-decomposition of W : # e = eigen(W) V = e$vectors # W = V %*% diag(e$values) %*% t(V) W_Minus_One_Half = V %*% diag( 1./sqrt(e$values) ) %*% t(V) MStar = M %*% W_Minus_One_Half # Compute B^* the covariance matrix of M^* and its eigen-decomposition: # BStar = cov( MStar ) e = eigen(BStar) VStar = - e$vectors # note taking the negative to match the results in the book (results are independent of this) V = W_Minus_One_Half %*% VStar # the full projection matrix # Project the data into the invariant subspaces: # XTrainProjected = t( t(V) %*% t(XTrain) ) XTestProjected = t( t(V) %*% t(XTest) ) MProjected = t( t(V) %*% t(M) ) # the centroids projected # Classify the training/testing data for each possible projection dimension: # TrainClassification = matrix( data=0, nrow=N, ncol=p ) # number of samples x number of projection dimensions discriminant = matrix( data=0, nrow=1, ncol=K ) for( si in 1:N ){ # for each sample for( pi in 1:p ){ # for each projection dimension for( ci in 1:K ){ # for each class centroid discriminant[ci] = 0.5 * sum( ( XTrainProjected[si,1:pi] - MProjected[ci,1:pi] )^2 ) - log( PiK[ci] ) } TrainClassification[si,pi] = which.min( discriminant ) } } N = dim(XTest)[1] TestClassification = matrix( data=0, nrow=N, ncol=p ) # number of samples x number of projection dimensions discriminant = matrix( data=0, nrow=1, ncol=K ) for( si in 1:N ){ # for each sample for( pi in 1:p ){ # for each projection dimension for( ci in 1:K ){ # for each class centroid discriminant[ci] = 0.5 * sum( ( XTestProjected[si,1:pi] - MProjected[ci,1:pi] )^2 ) - log( PiK[ci] ) } TestClassification[si,pi] = which.min( discriminant ) } } return( list(XTrainProjected,XTestProjected,MProjected,TrainClassification,TestClassification) ) }