function [pop_decoded,pop_costs,best_fn_values,avg_fn_values] = binary_GA(wfn, bounds, ... N_pop, N_gene, X_rate, mu, max_number_of_iterations, parent_selection_method, crossover_method ) % BINARY_GA - Implements a binary genetic algorithm for function minimization % % Inputs: % wfn = a function handle accepting a double vector input and returning a scalar output representing a function to minimize % bounds = [ number_of_variables x 2 ] input matrix where the ith row is the valid bounds for the ith variable % N_gene = number of bits used to encode a scalar representation % % Outputs: % x_bin = [ number_of_samples x N_var * N_gene ] binary encoding of each variable in x % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2006-08-28 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % Parse the parameters of the genetic algorithm (if not provided defaults are used) % if( nargin < 3 ) N_pop = 100; % the population size end if( nargin < 4 ) N_gene = 100; % the discreteness of the floating point representations end if( nargin < 5 ) X_rate = 0.5; % selection rate end if( nargin < 6 ) mu = 0.02; % the mutation rate end if( nargin < 7 ) max_number_of_iterations = 20; end if( nargin < 8 ) parent_selection_method = 3; % method to select mates end if( nargin < 9 ) crossover_method = 1; % method used to do cross over end % Check inputs: N_var = size(bounds,1); assert( size(bounds,2)==2, 'bounds input must have two columns' ); % Generate the initial population: N_bits = N_gene*N_var; pop = round( rand(N_pop,N_bits) ); N_keep = floor( X_rate * N_pop ); number_of_iterations = 0; best_fn_values = zeros(max_number_of_iterations,1); avg_fn_values = zeros(max_number_of_iterations,1); while( true ) % Decode chromosomes pop_decoded = var_decode(pop,bounds); % Find cost for each chromosome pop_costs = wfn( pop_decoded ); % compute statistics on this population: best_fn_values(number_of_iterations+1) = min( pop_costs ); avg_fn_values(number_of_iterations+1) = mean( pop_costs ); % Sort the costs and order the chromosomes so that the most fit chromosomes (most negative function evaluation) are at the top: [pop_costs,inds] = sort(pop_costs(:),1,'ascend'); pop = pop(inds,:); pop_decoded = pop_decoded(inds,:); % check for convergence for quick exit (since population is sorted by the objective function at this point) number_of_iterations = number_of_iterations + 1; if( number_of_iterations > max_number_of_iterations ) break; end % Natural Selection: (could also perform thresholding) pop_keep = pop(1:N_keep,:); pop_keep_costs = pop_costs(1:N_keep); C_n_keep_p_1 = pop_costs(N_keep+1); % Compute indices for the mother (ma) and father (pa) [ma,pa] = select_mates( pop_keep_costs, parent_selection_method, C_n_keep_p_1 ); % Mate children = crossover( pop_keep, ma, pa, N_pop-N_keep, crossover_method ); pop = [ pop_keep; children ]; % the new populaton before mutation % Mutation pop = mutate( pop, mu ); end