source('../../Data/data_loaders.R') DF = load_particle_board_data() DF$temperature = as.factor( DF$temperature ) # Implement Bartlett's test on this data: # # Following notes here: test N = dim(DF)[1] k = length( unique( DF$temperature ) ) n_i = 3 # 3 samples in each class # The variance in each class: # si2 = tapply( DF$strength, DF$temperature, FUN=var ) # The pooled variance estimate: # sp2 = sum( (n_i - 1) * si2 ) / (N-k) stat_numerator = (N-k) * log(sp2) - sum( (n_i-1) * log(si2) ) stat_denominator = 1 + ( k/(n_i-1) - 1/(N-k) ) / (3*(k-1)) B = stat_numerator / stat_denominator P_value = 1 - pchisq( B, k-1 ) print( sprintf("B= %10.6f; p_value= %0.6f", B, P_value) ) # Using the canned R procedure: # x = DF$strength g = as.factor( DF$temperature ) print(bartlett.test(x, g))