source('../../Data/data_loaders.R') DF = load_appendix_deforestation_data() DF$DEF[ DF$DEF == min(DF$DEF) ] = min(DF$DEF[ DF$DEF>0 ])/2 # boxcox cannot handle a zero response # Part (a): # m = lm( DEF ~ POP + GNP, data=DF ) print( summary(m) ) # Part (b): # #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter4/ex_4_7_residuals_vs_fitted.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plot( m, which=1 ) # Part (c): # library(MASS) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter4/ex_4_7_boxcox.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) bc = boxcox(m) source('../Chapter3/utils.R') atk_res = Atkinsons( DF, 'DEF', c('POP', 'GNP') ) print(sprintf("Atkinsons lambda estimate: %.3f (t-value %.3f)", atk_res$lambda_hat, atk_res$gamma_t)) bt_res = Box_Tidwell( DF, 'DEF', c('POP', 'GNP') ) print(bt_res) # Part (d): # DF$DEFT = 1/sqrt(DF$DEF) # transformed DEF DF$LGNP = log (DF$GNP) m_tran = lm( DEFT ~ POP + LGNP, data=DF ) # the suggested transformations print( summary( m_tran ) ) # Part (e): # cm = data.frame( t(colMeans(DF)) ) cm = cm[ c('POP', 'GNP') ] # just select the two inputs print(cm) cm$LGNP = log(cm$GNP) p = predict( m, newdata=cm, interval='prediction' ) p_tran = predict( m_tran, newdata=data.frame( POP=cm['POP'], LGNP=cm['LGNP'] ), interval='prediction' ) p_tran = (1/p_tran)^2 lwr = p_tran[3] upr = p_tran[2] p_tran[2] = lwr p_tran[3] = upr R = rbind( p, p_tran ) rownames(R) = c('orig_model', 'tran_model') R = cbind( R, range=(R[,'upr'] - R[,'lwr']) ) print(R) # Part (f): # #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter4/ex_4_7_residuals_vs_fitted_trans_model.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plot( m_tran, which=1 )