library(car) save_figs = FALSE source('../../Data/data_loaders.R') DF = load_appendix_cement_data() pairs(DF) scatterplotMatrix(DF) # Form the standardized predictors: # DFs = scale(DF) DFs = data.frame(DFs) m = lm( Y ~ ., data=DF ) print(summary(m)) # Part (a): # print('Variance inflation factors:') print(vif(m)) XTX = cor(DF) print('Correlation matrix:') print(XTX) ES = eigen(XTX[ 1:4, 1:4 ]) print('Eigenvalues:') print(ES$values) ES$vectors[, 1] = -ES$vectors[, 1] # change the sign of all components of the first eigenvector print('Eigenvectors:') print(ES$vectors) # Part (b): # # Compute the primcipal components (and a scatter plot of them): # Z = as.matrix(DFs[ , 1:4 ]) %*% ES$vectors colnames(Z) = c('Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3', 'Z4') print(summary(Z)) if( save_figs ){ postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter5/ex_5_6_scatter_plot_of_Z.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) } pairs(Z, xlim=c(-3, +2), ylim=c(-3, +2)) if( save_figs ){ } # Compute the coefficients of the linear constraint: # ss = scale(DF) smeans = attr(ss, "scaled:center") sstd = attr(ss, "scaled:scale") lev = ES$vectors[, 4] # coefficients of the last eigenvector coefficients_of_x_i = lev / sstd[1:4] rhs = sum( smeans[1:4] / sstd[1:4] ) print('coefficients_of_x_i:') print(coefficients_of_x_i) print('rhs:') print(rhs) lhs_mean = mean(coefficients_of_x_i) print(lhs_mean) print('new coefficients_of_x_i:') print(round(coefficients_of_x_i/lhs_mean, 3)) print('new rhs:') print(round(rhs/lhs_mean, 3)) # Part (c): # DF$X5 = 100 - rowSums(DF[, 1:4 ]) DF = DF[, c( 1:4, 6, 5 ) ] # make the response Y the last column m = lm( Y ~ . - 1, data=DF ) print('Model with X5 and no intercept:') print(summary(m)) m = lm( Y ~ ., data=DF ) print('Model with X5 and an intercept:') print(summary(m)) # Part (d): # DF = DF[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6) ] m = lm( Y ~ ., data=DF ) print(summary(m)) print('Variance Inflation Factors:') print(vif(m)) # Form the standardized predictors: # DFs = scale(DF) DFs = data.frame(DFs) XTX = cor(DF) print('Correlation matrix:') print(XTX) ES = eigen(XTX[ 1:4, 1:4 ]) print('Eigenvalues:') print(ES$values)