function res = illinois_method(func,xim1,xi,tol) % % Based from the paper by Dowell and Jerrett (1971): % % % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % % Problem on EPage 62; Solutions on EPage 161 % %----- res=xi; % initial best guess at the roots location (in case of quick exit) it=0; fim1 = feval(func,xim1); fi = feval(func,xi); assert( fim1*fi <= 0, 'inputs xim1 and xi dont bracket a root' ); denom = ( fi - fim1 )/(xi - xim1); d = fi/denom; while abs(d)>tol xip1 = xi-d; fip1 = feval(func,xip1); % Update (xim1,fim1): if fi * fip1 < 0 % the new interval brackets our root xim1 = xi; fim1 = fi; else % we no longer bracket our root fim1 = 0.5*fim1; end % Update (xi,fi): xi = xip1; fi = fip1; assert( fi * fim1 < 0, 'both points should bracket root' ); it=it+1; denom = ( fi - fim1 )/(xi - xim1); d = fi/denom; end; res = xi;