present_value_of_CD = function(r, u, d, n_MC, S0, T){ ## ## Computes the present value of the Great Western CD ## T_months = 12*T ## time to expiration in months ## What is the risk neutra1 probabiilty of each Monte Carlo path: ## R = 1 + r/12 q = (R - d)/(u - d) MC = sample(c(+1, -1), T_months*n_MC, prob=c(q, 1-q), replace=TRUE) ## 1 -> an up; -1 -> a down MC = matrix(MC, nrow=n_MC, ncol=T_months) ## Compute the cumulative sum along the rows of MC (this will compute the value of n_u - n_d): ## MC_cumsum = t(apply(MC, 1, cumsum)) ##MC_n_up = t(apply(MC>0, 1, cumsum)) # the number of up moves ##MC_n_down = t(apply(MC<0, 1, cumsum)) # the number of down moves ## What are the SNP prices at each time: ## St = S0 * u^MC_cumsum Account_Balance = rep(S0, n_MC) ## how much money is in the account ## What are the three yearly averages of the SNP: ## Px_0 = rep(S0, n_MC) ## the index price at the start of the first year year_1_A = apply(St[, 1:12], 1, mean) ## year 1 values of A R_1 = (year_1_A - Px_0)/Px_0 I_1 = pmax(0, R_1) Account_Balance = Account_Balance + Account_Balance*I_1 Px_0 = St[, 12] ## the index price at the start of the second year year_2_A = apply(St[, 12 + (1:12)], 1, mean) R_2 = (year_2_A - Px_0)/Px_0 I_2 = pmax(0, R_2) Account_Balance = Account_Balance + Account_Balance*I_2 Px_0 = St[, 24] ## the index price at the start of the third year year_3_A = apply(St[, 24 + (1:12)], 1, mean) R_3 = (year_3_A - Px_0)/Px_0 I_3 = pmax(0, R_3) Account_Balance = Account_Balance + Account_Balance*I_3 ## this is the final account Balance E_PT = mean(Account_Balance) ## this is \hat{E}[P(T)] return(exp(-r*T) * E_PT) ## discount } ## ## Using the above function lets try to solve this exercise: ## set.seed(12345) sigma = 0.2 S0 = 1.0 T = 3 ## The risk neutra1 parameters of the stock: ## delta_t = 1/12 ## monthly timesteps u = exp(sigma*sqrt(delta_t)) d = 1/u print(sprintf('u= %f; d= %f', u, d)) ## present_value_of_CD(0.05, u, d, n_MC, S0, T) ## How to call the above function n_MC = 1000 ## the number of Monte Carlo n_rs = 100 rs = seq(0.05, 0.09, length.out=n_rs) PV = rep(NA, n_rs) for( ri in 1:n_rs ){ PV[ri] = present_value_of_CD(rs[ri], u, d, n_MC, S0, T) } ##postscript('../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter13/chap_13_ex_8_PVs.eps', onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plot(rs, PV, xlab='r (interest rate)', ylab='Great Western CD Present Value') abline(h=1.0, col='green') grid()