Code and Results for Chapter 6:

These are results and code for the problems and examples found in Chapter 6 of this famous book.

Various Figures and Problems:
  1. prob_6_1.m (a different value of sigma)
  2. prob_6_2.m (the probability of Type II error)
  3. prob_6_3.m (variations on alpha)
  4. prob_6_4.m (comparing different sample sizes)
  5. prob_6_5.m (a two-tailed test)
  6. prob_6_6.m (larger M)
  7. prob_6_7.m (parametric bootstrap on the forearm data)
  8. parm_bootstrap.m (implements the parametric bootstrap)
  9. prob_6_8.m (bootstrap standard confidence interval on the forearm data)
  10. prob_6_9.m (bootstrap estimate of the mean)
  11. bootstrp_sci.m (implements the bootstrap based estimate of the standard confidence interval)
  12. prob_6_10.m (hypothesis testing on the remiss data)
  13. prob_6_11.m (bootstrap estimates of the variance of lsat and law)
  14. prob_6_12.m (hypothesis testing on the lawpop data)
  15. cross_corr_fn.m (implements the cross correlation function)
  16. prob_6_13.m (hypothesis testing on the whisky data)
  17. prob_6_14.m (a bootstrap confidence interval on the average time between earthquakes)

John Weatherwax
Last modified: Sun May 15 08:46:34 EDT 2005