Code and Results for Chapter 8:

These are results and code for the problems and examples found in Chapter 8 of this famous book.

Various Figures and Problems:
  1. prob_8_3.m (the bias-variance trade off)
  2. prob_8_4.m (the normal reference rule Part I)
  3. norm_ref_rule_hist.m (constructs a PDF histogram using the normal reference rule)
  4. norm_ref_rule_w_skew_hist.m (constructs a PDF histogram using the normal reference rule and skew adjustment)
  5. prob_8_5_no_skew.m (the normal reference rule on a skewed distribution)
  6. prob_8_5_with_skew.m (the normal reference rule with skew on a skewed distribution)
  7. prob_8_6.m (various bin widths)
  8. prob_8_7.m (the Freedman-Diaconis rule v.s. Sturges rule)
  9. prob_8_10.m (two-dimensional frequency polygons)
  10. prob_8_11.m (evaluating kernel density estimates)
  11. prob_8_14.m (adaptive density modeling)
  12. prob_8_17.m (experiments with the EM algorithm)
  13. prob_8_21.m (density estimation with the forearm data)
  14. prob_8_22.m (density estimation with the elderly data)
  15. prob_8_23.m (density estimation with the nfl data)

John Weatherwax
Last modified: Sun May 15 08:46:34 EDT 2005