% % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2009-04-21 % % email: wax@alum.mit.edu % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- close all; drawnow; rehash; clc; clear; addpath( '../../Code/eda_data' ); addpath( '../../Code/eda_toolbox' ); addpath( '../Chapter1' ); % Example 10.7 % This shows the use of coplots. % Reference for this example is Cleveland, Chapter 4 % and the Data Viz Tool (Book_4_3.m) load abrasion % Get the data into one matrix. %X = [hardness(:) tensile(:) abrasion(:)]; X = [abrasion(:) hardness(:) tensile(:) ]; labels = {'Abrasion Loss'; 'Hardness'; 'Tensile Strength'; }; % Set up the parameters for the coplot. % These are the parameters for the intervals. np = 6; % Number of given intervals. overlap = 3/4; % Amount of interval overlap. intervalParams = [np overlap]; % Parameters for loess curve alpha = 3/4; lambda = 1; robustFlag = 0; fitParams = [alpha lambda robustFlag]; % Call the function. coplot(X,labels,intervalParams,fitParams)