Code and Results for Chapter 1:
These are results and code for the
problems and examples found in Chapter 1 of this famous book.
Various Figures and Problems:
- Utility Functions for Loading and Preprocessing Various Data Sets
- Utility Functions for Plotting Data
- plot_labeled.m (plots the samples with colored symbols depending on the class label)
- plot_two_labels.m (plots the samples with symbols depending on one class label and colors depending on another)
- prob_1_2.m (visualization of the leukemia data set)
- prob_1_3.m (visualization of the lungB data set)
- prob_1_5.m (various standardizations)
- prob_1_8.m (standardizations and the Euclidean distance-part 1)
- prob_1_9.m (standardizations and the Euclidean distance-part 2)
- prob_1_10.m (the log transform of uniform variables)
- prob_1_11.m (transforming the software data)
- range_trans.m (transform the data using a range shortening transformation)
- robust_norm.m (returns the robust normalization of the data in X)
John Weatherwax
Last modified: Sun May 15 08:46:24 EDT 2005