function [tout,yout] = myrk4(F,tspan,y0,h_arg,varargin) %MYRK4 Classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta % % Usage is the same as ODE23TX except the fourth argument % is a fixed step size h. % % MYRK4(F,TSPAN,Y0,H) with TSPAN = [T0 TFINAL] integrates the system % of differential equations y' = f(t,y) from t = T0 to t = TFINAL. The % initial condition is y(T0) = Y0. The input argument F is the % name of an M-file, or an inline function, or simply a character string, % defining f(t,y). This function must have two input arguments, t and y, % and must return a column vector of the derivatives, y'. % % With no output arguments, ODE23TX plots the emerging solution. % % With two output arguments, [T,Y] = MYRK4(...) returns a column % vector T and an array Y where Y(:,k) is the solution at T(k). % % More than four input arguments, MYRK4(F,TSPAN,Y0,RTOL,P1,P2,...), % are passed on to F, F(T,Y,P1,P2,...). % % MYRK4(F,TSPAN,Y0,OPTS) where OPTS = ODESET('reltol',RTOL, ... % 'abstol',ATOL,'outputfcn',@PLOTFUN) uses relative error RTOL instead % of 1.e-3, absolute error ATOL instead of 1.e-6, and calls PLOTFUN % instead of ODEPLOT after each successful step. % % Example % tspan = [0 2*pi]; % y0 = [1 0]'; % F = '[0 1; -1 0]*y'; % myrk4(F,tspan,y0); % % See also ODE23. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2006-07-25 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % Initialize variables. % h = 1.e-3; % a default step size plotfun = @odeplot; if nargin >= 4 & isnumeric(h_arg) h = h_arg; end t0 = tspan(1); tfinal = tspan(2); tdir = sign(tfinal - t0); plotit = (nargout == 0); t = t0; y = y0(:); % Make F callable by feval. if ischar(F) & exist(F)~=2 F = inline(F,'t','y'); elseif isa(F,'sym') F = inline(char(F),'t','y'); end % Initialize output. if plotit feval(plotfun,tspan,y,'init'); else tout = t; yout = y.'; end % The main loop % while t ~= tfinal % Evaluate the first slope: s1 = feval(F, t, y, varargin{:}); % Stretch the step if t is close to tfinal: if 1.1*abs(h) >= abs(tfinal - t) h = tfinal - t; end % Evaluate the remaining slopes: s2 = feval(F, t+h/2, y+(h/2)*s1, varargin{:}); s3 = feval(F, t+h/2, y+(h/2)*s2, varargin{:}); s4 = feval(F, t+h, y+h*s3, varargin{:}); % Attempt a step. tnew = t + h; ynew = y + h*(s1 + 2*s2 + 2*s3 + s4)/6; tout(end+1,1) = tnew; yout(end+1,:) = ynew.'; t = tnew; y = ynew; end if plotit feval(plotfun,[],[],'done'); end