library(reshape2) library(gplots) library(multcomp) DF = read.csv('../../Data/ASCII_Comma/Chapter_12/tablets2.txt', quote='\'') DF_melt = melt(DF, id.vars=c(),'Laboratory','Measurement') fit = aov(Measurement ~ Laboratory, data=DF_melt) print(summary(fit)) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_22_plotmeans.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plotmeans(Measurement ~ Laboratory, data=DF_melt) # A Tukey comparison of means test: # TukeyHSD(fit) par(las=2) par(mar=c(5, 8, 4, 2)) plot(TukeyHSD(fit)) # Use the multcomp package: # par(las=2) par(mar=c(5, 4, 6, 2)) tuk = glht(fit, linfct=mcp(Laboratory='Tukey')) plot(cld(tuk, level=0.05), col='lightgrey') # A nonparametric test for one-way ANOVA: # print(kruskal.test(Measurement ~ Laboratory, data=DF_melt)) # Lets see if there are differences between the manufacture of these tablets and the manufacturer from before: # DF_melt$Manufacture = 2 # let this be the second manufacturer DF_orig = read.csv('../../Data/ASCII_Comma/Chapter_12/tablets1.txt', quote='\'') DF_orig_melt = melt(DF, id.vars=c(),'Laboratory','Measurement') DF_orig_melt$Manufacture = 1 # these will be samples from the first manufacturer DF_all_melt = rbind(DF_orig_melt, DF_melt) fit = aov(Measurement ~ Manufacture, data=DF_all_melt) print(summary(fit))