library(reshape2) DF = read.csv('../../Data/ASCII_Comma/Chapter_12/fruitfly.txt', quote='\'') DF$females = as.factor(DF$females) DF$type = as.factor(DF$type) type = rep('NA', dim(DF)[1]) type[DF$type==0] = 'pregnant' type[DF$type==1] = 'virgin' DF$type = type DF$type = as.factor(DF$type) # Part (a): # print('number of samples in each group') print(aggregate(lifespan ~ females + type, data=DF, length)) print('Mean of lifespan in each group') print(aggregate(lifespan ~ females + type, data=DF, mean)) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_32_boxplot_lifespan.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) boxplot(lifespan ~ females + type, data=DF) # Part (b): # print('Mean of sleep in each group') print(aggregate(sleep ~ females + type, data=DF, mean)) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_32_boxplot_sleep.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) boxplot(sleep ~ females + type, data=DF) fit = aov(lifespan ~ females * type, data=DF) print(summary(fit)) fit = aov(lifespan ~ females + type, data=DF) print(summary(fit)) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_32_interactionplot_sleep.eps", onefile= FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) interaction.plot(DF$females, DF$type, DF$sleep, type='l', main='Interaction between type and females' ) # Part (c): # #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_32_lifespan_vs_thorax.eps", onefile= FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) plot(DF$thorax, DF$lifespan, type='p', pch=19, xlab='thorax', ylab='lifespan') grid() print(summary(lm(lifespan ~ thorax, data=DF))) # Did the experiment properly balance thorax between the groups: # fit = aov(thorax ~ females + type, data=DF) print(summary(fit)) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_32_boxplot_thorax.eps", onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) boxplot(thorax ~ females + type, data=DF) # Part (d): # fit = aov(lifespan ~ females * type, data=DF) print(summary(fit)) fit = aov(lifespan ~ females + type, data=DF) print(summary(fit)) #postscript("../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter12/prob_32_interactionplot_lifespan.eps", onefile= FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) interaction.plot(DF$females, DF$type, DF$lifespan, type='l', main='Interaction between type and females' ) # A Tukey comparison of means test: # print(TukeyHSD(fit)) par(las=2) par(mar=c(5, 8, 4, 2)) plot(TukeyHSD(fit)) # Implement the Bonferroni computed confidence intervals (Section 11.4.8 EPage 458) # sp = sd(DF$lifespan) # the pooled standard deviation group_means = aggregate(lifespan ~ type, data=DF, mean) so = order(group_means$lifespan, decreasing=TRUE) group_means = group_means[so,] # now the means are decreasing print(group_means) alpha = 0.1 I = 3 # the number of groups k = choose(I, 2) # the number of comparisons gp_NA = DF[DF$type =='NA', ]$lifespan gp_pregnant = DF[DF$type =='pregnant', ]$lifespan gp_virgin = DF[DF$type =='virgin', ]$lifespan alpha_bonferroni = alpha/k # the reduced alpha t.test(gp_NA, gp_pregnant, conf.level=1-alpha_bonferroni) t.test(gp_NA, gp_virgin, conf.level=1-alpha_bonferroni) t.test(gp_pregnant, gp_virgin, conf.level=1-alpha_bonferroni) # Part (e): A nonparametric test for one-way ANOVA: # print(kruskal.test(lifespan ~ type, data=DF))