function [tab] = simplex(tab) % % Inputs: % tab = the initial tableau % Outputs: % tab = the final tableau % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-07-01 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- printf('Initial tableau:\n'); tab while( have_negative_in_objective_row(tab) ) % Compute the pivot column: % objective_row = tab(end,1:(end-1)); [mv,pivot_column_indx] = min( objective_row ); % pick the most negative element in the objective row pivot_column = tab(1:(end-1),pivot_column_indx); % Compute the pivot row: % possible_pivot_rows = find( pivot_column > 0 ); [mv,spot] = min( tab(possible_pivot_rows,end) ./ pivot_column(possible_pivot_rows) ); % pick the smallest ratio pivot_row_indx = possible_pivot_rows(spot); % Perform Gaussian ellimination on this pivot row and pivot column: % tab(pivot_row_indx,:) = tab(pivot_row_indx,:)/tab(pivot_row_indx,pivot_column_indx); for ii=1:size(tab,1) if( ii==pivot_row_indx ) continue; end tab(ii,:) = tab(ii,:) - tab(ii,pivot_column_indx) * tab(pivot_row_indx,:); end printf('Pivot column= %5d; row= %5d; gives the tableau\n', pivot_column_indx, pivot_row_indx); tab end printf('finished\n'); % % Auxiliary functions: % function [have_any] = have_negative_in_objective_row(tab) objective_row = tab(end,1:(end-1)); if( any( objective_row < 0 ) ) have_any = 1; else have_any = 0; end