function [ydot] = example_4_7_1_extended_kf_fn(t,y, b, H_A, R_A, Q_A) % % Inputs: % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-14 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % initialize storage: ydot = zeros(length(y),1); % extract out the state, x and the covariance, P: x = y(1:3); P = reshape(y(4:end),3,3); % form the system matrix "F" involved in the state dynamic differential equation \dot{x} = F x: % F = zeros(3,3); F(1,2) = 1; F(2,1) = x(3); F(2,2) = b; ydot(1:3) = F * x; % the state update equation i.e. dot{x} = F x % form the matrix F_A used in the linearized Riccati equation (this is DIFFERENT than F above in a small way): % F_A = zeros(3,3); F_A(1,2) = 1; F_A(2,1) = x(3); F_A(2,2) = b; F_A(2,3) = x(1); % <- this is the difference L_A = zeros(3,1); L_A(2) = -x(3); Pdot = F_A * P + P * F_A' + L_A * Q_A * L_A' - P * (H_A') * ( R_A \ eye(2) ) * H_A * P; % the covariance update i.e. dot{P} ydot(4:end) = Pdot(:);