function [xhatplus,Pplus,xhatminus,Pminus] = sect_4_4_kfilter_z(Phi, H, Q, Psi, M, R, z) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-14 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- [n,N] = size(z); % Storage for our results: % xhatminus = zeros(2,N); % holds \hat{x}_1(-), \hat{x}_2(-), \cdots, \hat{x}_N(-) in the columns Pminus = zeros(2,2,N); xhatplus = zeros(2,N-1); % holds \hat{x}_1(+), hat{x}_2(+), \cdots \hat{x}_{N-1}(+) (one fewer spot needed) in the columns Pplus = zeros(2,2,N-1); % Seed the storage above with the correct initial conditions % xhatminus(:,1) = [0;0]; Pminus(:,:,1) = zeros(2,2); for k=2:N, zeta_km1 = z(:,k) - Psi * z(:,k-1); D_km1 = H * Phi - Psi * H; DPDTInv = ( D_km1 * Pminus(:,:,k-1) * D_km1' + R ) \ eye(n); K_km1 = Pminus(:,:,k-1) * D_km1' * DPDTInv; C_km1 = M * DPDTInv; xhatplus(:,k-1) = xhatminus(:,k-1) + K_km1 * ( zeta_km1 - D_km1 * xhatminus(:,k-1) ); xhatminus(:,k) = Phi * xhatplus(:,k-1) + C_km1 * ( zeta_km1 - D_km1 * xhatplus(:,k-1) ); Pplus(:,:,k-1) = ( eye(n) - K_km1 * D_km1 ) * Pminus(:,:,k-1) * (( eye(n) - K_km1 * D_km1 ).') + K_km1 * R * K_km1.'; Pminus(:,:,k) = Phi * Pplus(:,:,k-1) * Phi.' + Q - C_km1 * M.' - Phi * K_km1 * M - M.' * K_km1.' * Phi.'; end