function [xhatminus,pminus,xhatplus,pplus] = sect_6_1_extended_kf(k_1, k_2, k_3u, mu_q, var_q, R, z_k, t_k) % % Inputs: % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-14 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- N = length(t_k)-1; % Compute our state estimate using the linear filter: xhatplus = zeros(1,N+1); pplus = zeros(1,N+1); xhatplus(1) = 0; % the initial condtion on the state pplus(1) = 0; xhatminus = zeros(1,N); pminus = zeros(1,N); for ki = 1:N % integrate our nonlinear equations from t_{k-1} < t < t_k: y0 = [ xhatplus(ki), pplus(ki) ]; [tout,yout] = ode45( @(t,x) sect_6_1_extended_kf_fn( t, x, k_1,k_2,k_3u,mu_q,var_q ), [t_k(ki),t_k(ki+1)], y0 ); % state covariance extrapolation over t_{k-1} < t < t_{k}: % xhatminus(ki) = yout(end,1); pminus(ki) = yout(end,2); K_k = pminus(ki)/( pminus(ki) + R ); % state covariance update due to measurement: % xhatplus(ki+1) = xhatminus(ki) + K_k * ( z_k(ki) - xhatminus(ki) ); pplus(ki+1) = ( 1 - K_k ) * pminus(ki); end