function [Q,T]=lanczos(A) % LANCZOS: Outputs the factorization A = Q T Q^T, where Q is orthogonal and T is tridiagonal % % INPUTS: % A : nxn matrix (must be symmetric) % % OUTPUT: % Q : orthogonal matrix % T : tridiagonal matrix % such that A = Q T Q^T % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2006-12-20 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % get the dimension of A: n = size(A,1); % initialized some space: a = zeros(n,1); b = zeros(n,1); R = zeros(n,n); Q = zeros(n,n); % this is the "i=0" step of the loop (indices are shifted by ONE left): i=1; b_0 = 1; rand('seed',0); R_0 = rand(n,1); R_0 = R_0/norm(R_0,2); Q_0 = zeros(n,1); Q(:,i) = R_0/b_0; for i=1:n-1, a(i) = (Q(:,i).')*A*Q(:,i); if( i>1 ) R(:,i) = A*Q(:,i) - b(i-1)*Q(:,i-1) - a(i)*Q(:,i); else R(:,i) = A*Q(:,i) - a(i)*Q(:,i); end b(i) = norm(R(:,i),2); Q(:,i+1) = R(:,i)/b(i); end i=n; a(i) = (Q(:,i).')*A*Q(:,i); % assemble the matrix T: T = diag(b(1:end-1),-1) + diag(a) + diag(b(1:end-1),+1); % lets check our results (if desired): if( 0 ) disp( 'unit testing...' ); disp('Q^T Q is equal to' ); (Q.') * Q disp( 'A*Q is equal to' ); A * Q disp( 'Q*T is equal to' ); Q * T end