function [V] = rr_state_bellman(alpha,beta,gamma,Rsearch,Rwait) % RR_STATE_BELLMAN - Seeks an iterative solution to the optimal Bellman equations for the state-value function. % % Inputs: % % State Transition Probabilities: % % alpha = the probability that after searching with a "high" energy level we end with a "high" % beta = the probability that after searching with a "low" energy level we end with a "low" % gamma = the learning rate % % Recieved Rewards (Rsearch > Rwait): % % Rsearch = the reward given to searching % Rwait = the reward given to waiting (Rwait <= Rsearch) % % See ePage 226-227 for the Bellman equation for the optimal state-value function V^*(s) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-03 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- if( nargin==0 ) % State Transition Probabilities: % % the probability that after searching with a "high" energy level we end with a "high" alpha = 0.8; % the probability that after searching with a "low" energy level we end with a "low" beta = 0.2; % the learning rate: gamma = 0.9; % Recieved Rewards (Rsearch > Rwait): % Rsearch = 2.0; % <- the reward given to searching Rwait = 1.0; % <- the reward given to waiting end % Initialize our state-value function (high,low): V = [ 0 0 ]; % some parameters for convergence: % MAX_N_ITERS = 100; iterCnt = 0; CONV_TOL = 1e-3; delta = 1e10; while( (delta > CONV_TOL) && (iterCnt <= MAX_N_ITERS) ) delta = 0; % update states in the order high then low: v = V(1); % save the old "high" state ... V(1) = max( [ Rsearch + gamma*( alpha*V(1) + (1-alpha)*V(2) ), Rwait + gamma*V(1) ] ); delta = max( [ delta, abs( v-V(1) ) ] ); v = V(2); % save the old "low" state ... V(2) = max( [ beta*Rsearch - 3*(1-beta) + gamma*( (1-beta)*V(1) + beta*V(2) ), Rwait + gamma*V(2), gamma*V(1) ] ); delta = max( [ delta, abs( v-V(2) ) ] ); %V, delta iterCnt=iterCnt+1; end