function [v_tmp] = gam_rhs_state_bellman(s,a,V,gamma,p_head) % GAM_RHS_STATE_BELLMAN - computes the right hand side of the bellman equation for the gambler example % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- s_head = s+a; % we win an additional amount "a" s_tail = s-a; % we loose our bet "a" v_tmp = p_head*V(s_head+1) + (1-p_head)*V(s_tail+1); return; if( s_head >= 100 ) % we win "1" if we get a head and enter a terminal state "100" v_tmp = p_head*( 1 ); s_head = 100; else % otherwise our reward is zero and our new state is s_head v_tmp = p_head*( 0 + gamma*V(s_head+1) ); end if( s_tail <= 0 ) % we loose all our money on a tail and enter a terminal state "0" s_tail = 0; v_tmp = v_tmp + (1-p_head)*0; else % otherwise our reward is zero and our new state is s_tail v_tmp = v_tmp + (1-p_head)*( 0 + gamma*V(s_tail+1) ); end