function [V] = iter_poly_gw_inplace() % ITER_POLY_GW_INPLACE - Performs iterative policy evaluation on the state-value function for the grid world example. % % Iterate Bellman equation: % % V(s) <- \sum_a \pi(s,a) \sum_{s'} P_{s,s'}^a (R_{s,s'}^a + \gamma V(s')) % % where the policy is uniform random steps in either direction. % % See ePage 253 in the Sutton book. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-03 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- %gamma = 0.9; gamma = 1; % <- take this is an undiscounted task sideL = 4; nGrids = sideL^2; % An array to hold the values of the state-value function % (the elements 1 and 16 are place holders i.e. not used): V = zeros(sideL); % some parameters for convergence: % MAX_N_ITERS = 100; iterCnt = 0; CONV_TOL = 1e-6; delta = 1e10; % a uniform policy: pol_pi = 0.25; while( (delta > CONV_TOL) && (iterCnt <= MAX_N_ITERS) ) delta = 0; % update states in the order one indexes matrices % states (1,1) and (4,4) are terminal states for ii=1:sideL, for jj=1:sideL, if( (ii==1 && jj==1) || (ii==sideL && jj==sideL) ) continue; end v = V(ii,jj); v_tmp = 0.0; % loop over each possible action {up,down,right,left}: % % action = UP if( ii==1 ) % s is ON the top row ... this action does not change our position v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj) ); elseif( ii==2 && jj==1 ) % s is NOT on the top row but will step into a terminal state (reward is zero) %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*V(ii-1,jj) ); v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii-1,jj) ); else % s is NOT on the top row ... this action moves us up v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii-1,jj) ); end % action = DOWN if( ii==sideL ) % s is ON the bottom row ... this action does not change our position v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj) ); elseif( ii==sideL-1 && jj==sideL ) % s is NOT on the bottom row but will step into a terminal state (reward is zero) %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*V(ii+1,jj) ); v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii+1,jj) ); else % s is NOT on the bottom row ... this action moves us down v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii+1,jj) ); end % action = RIGHT if( jj==sideL ) % s is ON the right most column ... this action does not change our position v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj) ); elseif( jj==sideL-1 && ii==sideL ) % s is NOT on the right most column but will step into a terminal position (reward is zero) %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*V(ii,jj+1) ); v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj+1) ); else % s is NOT on the right most column ... this action moves us right v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj+1) ); end % action = LEFT if( jj==1 ) % s is ON the left most column ... this action does not change our position v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj) ); elseif( jj==2 && ii==1 ) % s is NOT on the left most column but this action will move us into a termial position (reward is zero) %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*V(ii,jj-1) ); v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj-1) ); else % s is NOT on the left most column ... this action moves us left v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*V(ii,jj-1) ); end % update V(ii,jj): V(ii,jj) = v_tmp; delta = max( [ delta, abs( v-V(ii,jj) ) ] ); end % jj loop end % ii loop iterCnt=iterCnt+1; % lets print the iterations if desired: if( 0 && mod(iterCnt,1)==0 ) fprintf( 'iterCnt=%5d; delta=%10.5f\n', iterCnt, delta ); %disp( fix(V*10)/10 ); % <- just display ONE decimal disp( round(V*10)/10 ); % <- just display ONE decimal pause end end % while loop