function [pol_pi,policyStable] = jcr_policy_improvement(pol_pi,V,gamma,Ra,Pa,Rb,Pb,max_num_cars_can_transfer) % JCR_POLICY_EVALUATION - Performs policy evaluation evaluations returning the % state-value function for the jacks car rental example. % % The Basic Algorithm is: Iterate the Bellman equation: % % V(s) <- \sum_a \pi(s,a) \sum_{s'} P_{s,s'}^a (R_{s,s'}^a + \gamma V(s')) % % where the policy is given as input. These iterations are done IN PLACE. % % See ePage 262 in the Sutton book. % % Input: % V = An array to hold the values of the state-value function % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-03 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- if( nargin < 3 ) gamma = 0.9; end % the maximum number of cars at each site (assume equal): max_n_cars = size(V,1)-1; % the total number of states (including the states (0,Y) and (X,0)): nStates = (max_n_cars+1)^2; % assume the policy is stable (until we learn otherwise below): policyStable = 1; tm = NaN; % For each state in \cal{S}: fprintf('beginning policy improvement...\n'); for si=1:nStates, % get the number of cars (ones based) at each site (at the END of the day): [na1,nb1] = ind2sub( [ max_n_cars+1, max_n_cars+1 ], si ); na = na1-1; nb = nb1-1; % (zeros based) %fprintf( 'prev state took = %10.5f (min); considering state = %5d=(na=%5d,nb=%5d)...\n', tm/60, si,na,nb ); % our policy says in this state do the following: b = pol_pi(na1,nb1); % are there any BETTER actions for this state? % --consider all possible actions in this state: % we can transfer up to na cars from site A to B % we can transfer up to nb cars from site B to site A (introducing a negative sign) % % It seemed there were various ways to interpret this problem: % % 1) assume the number of cars we can transfer is restricted only by the number we have % posA = min([na,max_num_cars_can_transfer]); posB = min([nb,max_num_cars_can_transfer]); posActionsInState = [ -posB:posA ]; npa = length(posActionsInState); Q = -Inf*ones(1,npa); tic; for ti = 1:npa, ntrans = posActionsInState(ti); %--- % based on the state and action compute the expectation over % all possible states we may transition to i.e. s' % We need to consider 1) the number of possible returns at site A/B % 2) the number of possible rentals at site A/B %--- Q(ti) = jcr_rhs_state_value_bellman(na,nb,ntrans,V,gamma,Ra,Pa,Rb,Pb,max_num_cars_can_transfer); end % end ntrans tm=toc; % check if this policy gives the best action [dum,imax] = max( Q ); maxPosAct = posActionsInState(imax); if( maxPosAct ~= b ) % this policy in fact does NOT give the best action ... policyStable = 0; pol_pi(na1,nb1) = maxPosAct; % <- so we update our policy end end % end state loop fprintf('ended policy improvement...\n');