function [stateseen, act_taken, rew] = gen_rt_episode(ei,pol_pi,RT,posStarts,nPosStarts,maxNStates,maxNActions,maxNPii,maxNPjj,maxNVii,maxNVjj,maxNAii,maxNAjj) % GEN_RT_EPISODE - Generates a RT episode % % Note: this version is not ness. very strict with regards to whether we jump over % corners of our track. A better version would calculate the furthest we could go % before we intersect the edge and then use that as a starting point for the next iteration. % % In any event this version does provide an "environment" even if somewhat strange in which % our reinforcement algorithm can operate and the needed modifications to make this more % realistic done at any time. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- PLT_SPS=0; PRNT_STUFF=0; if( PLT_SPS ) figure; imagesc(RT); colorbar; hold on; end rew=0; stateseen = []; act_taken = []; % pick an initial starting state, position and velocity (using exploring starts): %ii=maxNPii; tmp = randperm(nStarts); jj=posStarts(tmp(1)); clear tmp; vii = 0; vjj = 0; % the initial position: pii=maxNPii; pjj=posStarts(mod(ei,nPosStarts)+1); % the initial velocity: vii=mod(ei,maxNVii); vjj=mod(ei,maxNVjj); % correct (vii,vjj) if we happen to have selected (0,0): if( vii==0 && vjj==0 ) if( unidrnd(2)==1 ) vii=mod(ei,maxNVii-1)+1; else vjj=mod(ei,maxNVjj-1)+1; end end if( PLT_SPS ) plot(pjj,pii,'x'); end; % accumulate/store the first state seen: stateseen(1,:) = [ pii,pjj,vii,vjj ]; % implement a full episode following the policy specified by pol_pi: while( 1 ) %~didWeFinish([pii,pjj,vii,vjj],maxNPjj) ) % take a step stInd = sub2ind( [maxNPii,maxNPjj,maxNVii,maxNVjj], pii,pjj,vii+1,vjj+1 ); reshape(pol_pi(stInd,:),[3,3]); act_to_take = sample_discrete( pol_pi(stInd,:), 1, 1 ); act_taken = [ act_taken; act_to_take ]; [aIndii,aIndjj] = ind2sub( [ maxNAii,maxNAjj ], act_to_take ); aii = aIndii-2; ajj = aIndjj-2; % the specific actions to take \in {-1,0,+1} % update our state according to this action and recieve a reward: vii=vii+aii; vjj=vjj+ajj; if( vii<0 || vii>5 ) [pii,pjj,vii-aii,vjj-ajj,aii,ajj] error( 'vii out of bounds' ); end if( vjj<0 || vjj>5 ) [pii,pjj,vii-aii,vjj-ajj,aii,ajj] error( 'vjj out of bounds' ); end pii=pii-vii; pjj=pjj+vjj; if( didWeFinish([pii,pjj,vii,vjj],maxNPjj) ) break; end % add a random VALID component to our step: rndUp=0; rndRt=0; if( rand < 0.5 ) % we have a random step if( rand < 0.5 ) % that is up pii=pii-1; if( pii>0 ) rndUp=1; else, pii=pii+1; end else % that is right pjj=pjj+1; if( pjj=maxNPjj ) finishQ = 1; else finishQ = 0; end