function [pol_pi] = rt_pol_mod(stateseen,Q, pol_pi, maxNPii,maxNPjj,maxNVii,maxNVjj,maxNAii,maxNAjj) % MCESTQ - updates the policy based on the estimated action value function for the racetrack example % % Note: to encourage exploration we only consider epsilon-soft policies % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % the epsilon in our epsilon-soft policy: (eps=0 => greedy; eps=1 => random) %eps = 0.03; eps = 0.1; %eps = 0.5; %eps = 0.85; % accumulate these values used in computing statistics on this action value function Q^{\pi}: % Note 1) in this state transition there is no difference between first occurance and each occurance ... for si=1:size(stateseen,1), pii=stateseen(si,1); pjj=stateseen(si,2); vii=stateseen(si,3); vjj=stateseen(si,4); % vii/vjj \in [0,5] staInd = sub2ind( [maxNPii,maxNPjj,maxNVii,maxNVjj], pii,pjj,vii+1,vjj+1 ); posChoices = velState2PosActions([vii,vjj],maxNVii,maxNVjj,maxNAii,maxNAjj ); findPosChoices = find(posChoices); numChoices = length(findPosChoices); [dum,greedyChoice] = max( Q(staInd,findPosChoices) ); nonGreedyChoices = setdiff( findPosChoices, findPosChoices(greedyChoice) ); % perform an eps-soft on-policy MC update: pol_pi(staInd,findPosChoices(greedyChoice)) = 1 - eps + eps/numChoices; pol_pi(staInd,nonGreedyChoices) = eps/numChoices; end