function possActs = velState2PosActions(vstate,maxNVii,maxNVjj,maxNAii,maxNAjj) % VELSTATE2POSACTIONS - Returns the possible velocity states (from 1-9) that we could select from given a velocity state % % this function prevents movement to a velocity state of (0,0) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- maxNActions = prod([maxNAii,maxNAjj]); vii=vstate(1); vjj=vstate(2); % default to all possible actions possActs = ones(1,maxNActions); if( vii==0 && vjj==0 ) error( 'invalid velocity state...' ); end % %can't have any states (<-1,*) or (*,<-1): % if( vii==0 ) % can't have any action with avii=-1 ... this would give a negative velocity inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],ones(1,maxNAjj),[1:maxNAjj]); possActs(inds) = 0; end if( vjj==0 ) % can't have the action with avjj=-1 ... this would give a negative velocity inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],[1:maxNAii],ones(1,maxNAii)); possActs(inds) = 0; end % %can't have the (0,0) velocity state: % if( vii==1 && vjj==0 ) % can't have the single action (-1,0) ... this would take us to a velocity state (0,0) inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],1,2); possActs(inds) = 0; end if( vii==0 && vjj==1 ) % can't have the single action (0,-1) ... this would take us to a velocity state (0,0) inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],2,1); possActs(inds) = 0; end if( vii==1 && vjj==1 ) % can't have the single action (-1,-1) ... this would take us to a velocity state (0,0) inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],1,1); possActs(inds) = 0; end % %can't have any states (>5,*) or (*,>5): % if( vii==(maxNVii-1) ) % can't have the single action (+1,*) ... this would take us to a velocity state (6,*) inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],3*ones(1,maxNAii),[1:maxNAjj]); possActs(inds) = 0; end if( vjj==(maxNVjj-1) ) % can't have the single action (*,+1) ... this would take us to a velocity state (6,*) inds = sub2ind([maxNAii,maxNAjj],[1:maxNAii],3*ones(1,maxNAjj)); possActs(inds) = 0; end